Viewing the group training schedule for the main course
Group training schedule
When a group starts training in the main course, the platform comes up with a training schedule automatically. The schedule is based on the following:
training intensity
selected training units
level of difficulty for each topic
Although the training group follows the same training program, the learning pace for users may vary. As users complete training units, each user is assigned one of the following performance categories:
Can't finish on time: users who have fallen so far behind they won't be able to finish training on time. We recommend that you find out the causes of the slow progress and take appropriate action.
Significantly behind schedule: users are at least four modules behind schedule. To finish on time, they must spend more time learning. Pay close attention to this group.
Behind schedule: these users are slightly behind schedule, but they can finish on time if they pick up the pace. This group requires your attention.
On track: these users are on schedule with their training. They will complete the program on time if they keep up the pace. Thank them often for their dedication to their studies.
Ahead of schedule: the users are going through training at a good pace. If they continue to study at the same pace or even a little slower, they will complete the program on time. Thank them and celebrate their accomplishments.
Depending on the performance category, as well as the previously completed training units and training start date, a personal training plan is created for each user based on the group's training program.
To view the group training plan for the main course:
In the application web interface, select the Training groups section.
Select the group you want to see the training schedule for.
A page opens with information about the group in the Main Course: Training Schedule tab.
In the Training schedule section, hover the mouse over the name of the training unit to view information about the duration of the training.
In the workspace under the training schedule, view the lesson schedule by week using the and arrows.
Main course progress statistics
To view the group training plan for the main course:
In the application web interface, select the Training groups section.
Select the group you want to see the training schedule for.
A page opens with information about the group in the Main Course: Training Schedule tab.
Select the Main Course: Statistics tab.
Here you'll see several widgets and dashboards:
Knowledge Level: shows the target and current level of knowledge in the group.
Current user training stage: shows statistics on progress through topics by difficulty level.
Who needs my attention: shows user performance. You can view more detailed information about each performance category, as well as training recommendations for the users of that category, by clicking the diagram segments. For the Can't finish on time, Significantly behind schedule and Behind schedule categories, the reasons for these training schedule delays are also shown: