Parsing rules

Parsing rules are rules for custom feeds (feeds that are specified using the Path element). These parameters specify how each feed must be parsed by Feed Utility.

Parsing rules are defined in the Parsing element of feed rules for a custom feed.

The following is an example of parsing rules for a custom feed. These rules specify that the input feed is in JSON format. An MD5 parsing rule is defined for the files/md5 field in the input feed. Values in this field will be parsed as MD5 hashes.



<Parsing type="json">

<MD5 type="MD5">files/md5</MD5>




Parsing element

The parent element, Parsing contains all nested parsing rules. Its attributes define the input format.

This element has the following attributes:

The following example demonstrates how to use the Parsing element for an XML input feed. In this case, parsing rules will be applied to elements nested inside the Feeds > Example > Contents element.



<Parsing type="xml" rootElement="Feeds/Example/Contents">





Individual parsing rules

Parsing rules for individual fields of an input feed must be nested inside the Parsing element. When Feed Utility processes the input feed, it creates the fields of the output feed according to these rules.

Each rule has the following format:


Above, the following rule name elements are used:

The following example demonstrates parsing rule syntax for JSON input format:



<Parsing type="json">

<Field type="url">URL</Field>

<Field type="ip">IP</Field>

<Field type="context">GEO</Field>

<Field type="md5">files/md5</Field>




The following example demonstrates parsing rule syntax for CSV input format:



<Parsing type="csv" delimiter=";">

<URL type="url">1</URL>

<IP type="ip">2</IP>

<GEO type="context">3</GEO>

<MD5 type="md5">4</MD5>




The following example demonstrates parsing rule syntax for XML input format:



<Parsing type="xml" rootElement="Feeds/Example/Contents">

<URL type="url">url</URL>

<IP type="ip">ip</IP>

<GEO type="context">context</GEO>

<MD5 type="md5">md5_hash</MD5>




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