Service settings (General tenant)

You can manage the general service settings in the CyberTrace web user interface by selecting the Settings tab, and then the Service tab. Make sure that the General item is selected from the drop-down list that has all available tenants, in the upper-left area of the window.

The Service tab allows you to edit settings stored in the kl_feed_util.conf and kl_feed_service_log.conf configuration files. You can perform the following actions by clicking the following links below the tab:

The Settings tab displays the Feed Service status, which can be one of the following:

Connection settings

In the Connection settings section of the Service tab, you can specify the following settings:

External address of the web interface

In the Web interface section of the Service tab, you can specify the IP address or hostname to be used in Kaspersky CyberTrace events.

This setting is stored in the ResourcesIP element of the kl_feed_service.conf file.

The preset value is

Using a proxy server

To configure CyberTrace to use a proxy server:

Specify proxy settings in the IP address or hostname, Port, User name, and Password fields.

To configure CyberTrace not to use a proxy server:

  1. Enter 0 in the Port text field.
  2. Clear the IP address or hostname, User name, and Password text fields.

About the disk space notification

When Kaspersky CyberTrace updates feeds, it checks the amount of remaining disk space. If the remaining disk space is low, Kaspersky CyberTrace displays a notification. The notification states how many MB of disk space is still available for the indicator database.

In addition, Kaspersky CyberTrace sends a KL_ALERT_FreeSpaceEnds event.

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