Searching indicators
On the Kaspersky CyberTrace web user interface you can select the Search tab to activate a form for searching threat indicators.
In the Kaspersky CyberTrace version 3.0 this tab was named Lookup.
The threat search can be disabled due to restrictions imposed by the licensing level.
From the Search tab you can access pages for individual indicator types:
- Indicator—Single indicator.
In the text field enter a hash, IP address, domain, or URL, and then click the Search button.
This page opens by default.
- Log file—Indicators from log files.
- File—File hashes.
The Search tab
Starting from Kaspersky CyberTrace version 3.1.0, each search request is added to the search request history.
Saving search results
You can save the result of a search operation to a text file.
The result will be saved in a file named kl_lookup_result_%TYPE%_hhmmss_ddMMyyyy.txt
. Here %TYPE%
is either indicator
(for a single indicator search), logfiles
(for a log files search), or files
(for a file hashes search).
A full report about a search result is a CSV file. In the first line of this file, the field names are listed. The remaining lines of the report contain the field values, enclosed in quotation marks. If a field value has a quotation mark, a second quotation mark is added. All data is delimited by semicolons.
Different search types imply different sets of fields in a report file. The field sets for each search type are described in a section for that particular search type.
Canceling the search
You can cancel the search operation.
The Cancel button
To cancel the search operation:
- Click the Cancel button in the middle of the screen.
A confirmation window opens.
- Select Cancel the search, if you want to cancel the search operation.
If the search operation is canceled, the search request is added to the search request history, and the search result is
. The search result form is cleared and the "Operation is canceled" message is displayed. The information about the processed item is added to the search requests history with a remark that the search process was not finished.
About the indicator search syntax
This section lists types of indicators that you can search for and the syntax for them.
You can search for domain names and specific URLs by using the following syntax:
- Second-level domain names
- Domain names of third and lower levels
- URLs
You can search for hashes by using the following syntax:
- MD5
- SHA1
- SHA256
IP addresses
You can search for IPv4 addresses by using the following syntax: |
Searching for IP addresses represented in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation is not supported.
Page topAbout the search request history
This section describes the search request history that is displayed on every threat search page.
Storing the search requests
When a search is performed using Kaspersky CyberTrace Web, information about it is stored in the history. The log file itself is not stored when a log file search is performed, only strings from the log file that contained detected indicators are stored; also, the file itself is not stored when a file hash search is performed.
For each authenticated user, the CyberTrace HTTP service stores the following amount of information:
- Last 1000 indicator search requests made in the last three months.
- Last 1000 log file search requests made in the last three months.
- Last 1000 file hash search requests made in the last three months.
Displaying the search request history
Every search page contains a form with the request history. The request history form contains requests of the corresponding search request type:
- Single indicator search request
- Log file search request
- File hash search request
If you have signed in as an administrator, the search request history of all users is available; otherwise, only the current user's search request history is available.
The search requests are displayed from the last to the first. The active page contains up to 20 search requests. If there are more than 20 search requests available, you can display others by using the navigation controls.
You can specify the period during which the search requests to display were made:
- Last hour
- Last day
- Last week
- Last month (30 days)
- Last 3 months (91 days)
- Arbitrary period
Single indicator search request history
Single indicator search request history
The form with the history of single indicator search requests displays the following data:
- The search result
It is
if the indicator is detected one or more times,Not detected
if the indicator is not detected, orCanceled
if the search operation was canceled.This information is displayed in the Status column.
- Date of request in the format
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
For example,
2012-12-31 23:58:25
.This information is displayed in the Date column.
- Name of the user who performed the search request
This information is displayed in the User column and can be seen only by administrators.
- Indicator that was searched for
This information is displayed in the Search string column.
For a search operation that was not canceled, if you select an indicator, the full search result and the button for exporting the search result are displayed.
Log file search request history
Log file search request history
The form with the history of log file search requests displays the following data:
- The search result
It is
if indicators in the log file are detected one or more times,Not detected
if no indicator is detected, orCanceled
if the search operation was canceled.This information is displayed in the Status column.
- Date of request in the format
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
For example,
2012-12-31 23:58:25
.This information is displayed in the Date column.
- Name of the user who performed the search request
This information is displayed in the User column and can be seen only by administrators.
- Log file in which the indicators were searched for
This information is displayed in the Log file column.
For a search operation that was not canceled, if you select a row in the table, the full search result and the button for exporting the search result are displayed.
File hash search request history
File hash search request history
The form with the history of file hash search requests displays the following data:
- The search result
It is
if the file hash is detected one or more times,Not detected
if the file hash is not detected, orCanceled
if the search operation was canceled.This information is displayed in the Status column.
- Date of request in the format
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
For example,
2012-12-31 23:58:25
.This information is displayed in the Date column.
- Name of the user that performed the search request
This information is displayed in the User column and can be seen only by administrators.
- Name of the file whose hash was searched for
This information is displayed in the File column.
- File hash that was searched for
This information is displayed in the Checksum column.
For a search operation that was not canceled, selecting a file hash will display the full search result and the button for exporting the search result.
Page topSingle indicator search
You can search for a single indicator by selecting the Indicator tab after selecting the Search tab.
The Indicator tab
Search for objects
You can search for one of the following indicator types:
- Hash
- IP address
- Domain
To search for an indicator:
- Enter the indicator in the search field.
- Click the Search button.
The search result will appear in the Detections section.
Indicator search syntax
You can search for a URL in two ways:
- By specifying the full URL
- By specifying only the domain name
When searching for a hash or an IP address, specify the full indicator, as described in the section about indicator search syntax.
Search result
After a search is performed, CyberTrace Web displays the result in the Detections section.
The Detections section
The search result consists of the following data:
- Requested indicator
- Category of the requested indicator
This information is displayed in the Category column.
- Fields of feed records that matched the indicator
If the feeds do not contain information about the requested indicator, a message about this is displayed.
This information is displayed in the Context column.
- Link or links to detailed information about the requested indicator
The links are displayed as fields in the Context column.
If the indicator is not detected because it belongs to the FalsePositive supplier, the search result consists of the following data:
- Requested indicator
- Message that there is no detection
- Link or links to detailed information about the requested indicator
If no information is found for the requested indicator, the message about it appears. This message displays a link that redirects you to the search page of Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.
Notice that if you run a search and then switch to another tab, the search results will become available in the search request history.
Downloading search reports
You can download a report with the results of the search operation. The report is a .csv file.
To download a report:
Click the Download report link and specify the directory to which you want to save the report.
Regular expressions for searching indicators
To search for indicators, CyberTrace Web uses the regular expressions defined in the Feed Service configuration file. The regular expressions are specified by a special event source called http_single_lookup
Log file indicators search
You can search for indicators from log files by selecting the Log file tab after selecting the Search tab.
All log files that you pass to Kaspersky CyberTrace for scanning must be in UTF-8 encoding. If your log files have a different encoding, make sure to convert them to UTF-8.
The Log file tab
Search for objects
You can search for one or more log files.
To search for indicators in log files:
- Select the log files that you want to search. Do one of the following:
- Click the Select files button, and then select the log files.
- Drag the log files into the colored area.
- Click the Search button.
The search result will appear in the Summary section.
Do not use feeds as log files for search. The scan results will contain a large number of matches, which will render the results uninformative.
Search result
After a search is performed, CyberTrace Web displays the result in the Summary section.
The Summary section
The search result consists of the following data:
- Summary information about the search result:
- Number of processed log files
- Number of detected indicators
- Number of lines that were processed
- Number of detections for each category
- Information about the top 100 matching indicators
- Link to download the report about the search result
For every item among the top 100 matching indicators, the following information is displayed:
- Number of occurrences in the checked log files
- Name of the log file and the lines that contain the detected indicator
Up to three lines are displayed. To view more lines that contain the detected indicator, click Show first 100 matches.
The detected indicator is hyperlinked to detailed information about it.
This information is displayed in the table at the bottom of the indicator card.
- Fields of feed records that matched the indicator
This information is displayed at the top of the indicator card.
If no information is found for the indicators in the log file, a message about this is displayed.
Notice that if you run a search and then switch to another tab, the search results will become available in the search request history.
Downloading search reports
You can download a report with the results of the search operation. The report is a .csv file.
To download a report:
Select the Download report link and specify the directory to which you want to save the report.
A full report about a search result has the following fields:
—Name of the log filefile_line
—Line in the log file that contains the detected indicatordetected_indicator
—The detected indicatorcategory
—Category of the detected indicator- Context fields from the feed
The files with search reports will be stored in the httpsrv
directory. Only the administrator (in Windows) or the root user (in Linux) has permission to open this directory.
Regular expressions for searching indicators from log files
To parse log files for indicators, CyberTrace Web uses the regular expressions defined in the Feed Service configuration file. The regular expressions are specified by a special event source called http_file_lookup
File hashes search
You can search for file hashes by selecting the File tab after selecting the Search tab.
The File tab
Search for objects
You can specify one or more files. The search will be done for the MD5 hashes of these files.
To search for file hashes:
- Select the files that you want to search for. Do one of the following:
- Click the Select files button, and then select the log files.
- Drag the log files into the colored area.
- Click the Search button.
The search result will appear below in the Summary section.
Search result
After a search is performed, CyberTrace Web displays the result in the Summary section.
The Summary section
The search result consists of the following data:
- Number of processed hash files
- Number of detected indicators
- Number of detections for each category
For every checked file hash, the following information is displayed:
- File name
- MD5 file hash
The file hash is linked to detailed information about the object.
- Fields of feed records that matched the indicator
- Message that there is no detection (if the file hash is not detected)
If no information is found for the requested indicator, the message about this appears. This message displays a link that redirects you to the search page of Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.
If you run a search and then switch to another tab, the search results will become available in the search request history.
Downloading search reports
You can download a report with the results of the search operation. The report is a .csv file.
To download a report:
Click the Download report link and specify the directory to which you want to save the report.
A full report about a search result has the following fields:
—Name of the file whose hash is detecteddetected_indicator
—The detected hashcategory
—Category of the detected hash- Context fields from the feed