Kaspersky CyberTrace

Feed Service Guide

This section explains how Feed Service works, how to configure it, and how to manage it from the command line or by using a script.

In this section

About Feed Service

Managing Feed Service

Feed Service configuration reference

Feed Service logging

About resending detection events

Feed Service in ReplyBack mode

Features of event processing by Feed Service

Limitations on Feed Service incoming events

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About Feed Service

Feed Service is one of the components of Kaspersky CyberTrace. It runs as a service and works as follows:

  1. Feed Service listens on a specified port for incoming events.
  2. Feed Service matches indicators in received events against those in the feeds that are used.
  3. Feed Service generates events in the specified format that contains detected indicators on the basis of the incoming events and the feed records involved in the detection process.
  4. Feed Service sends the generated events to the specified address and port.
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Managing Feed Service by using systemd (Linux)

You can manage Feed Service by using systemd.

You can use all standard systemd commands to manage Feed Service.

Checking the service status

To check the status of Feed Service, use the following command:

systemctl status cybertrace.service

Starting, stopping, restarting the service

To start Feed Service, use the following command:

systemctl start cybertrace.service

Feed Service begins to receive events only after it has loaded the feeds into memory and has sent the KL_ALERT_ServiceStarted event.

To stop Feed Service, use the following command:

systemctl stop cybertrace.service

To restart Feed Service, use the following command:

systemctl restart cybertrace.service

Adding and removing the service from the list of services loaded on boot

By default, Feed Service is loaded on boot. You can change this behavior with the following commands.

To add Feed Service to the list of services loaded on boot, use the following command:

systemctl enable cybertrace.service

To remove Feed Service from the list of services loaded on boot, use the following command:

systemctl disable cybertrace.service

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Managing Feed Service using the script (Windows)

The %service_dir%\bin\kl_control.bat file is a script for managing Feed Service.

Command-line options

The script supports the following command-line options:

  • start—Starts Feed Service and the watchdog Windows service.

    The script prints the information about whether this operation succeeded or failed.

    Feed Service begins to receive events only after it has loaded the feeds into memory and has sent the KL_ALERT_ServiceStarted event.

  • stop—Stops Feed Service and the watchdog Windows service.

    The script prints the information about whether this operation succeeded or failed.

  • restart—Restarts the services of Kaspersky CyberTrace: stops them and starts them again.

    The script prints the information about whether this operation succeeded or failed.

  • status—Prints the information about the status of the services of Kaspersky CyberTrace.
  • reloaddb—Instructs Feed Service to reload the feeds it is using.
  • help—Prints the Help information: how to use the kl_control.bat script.

You can use only one option at a time.

The script can also be launched without parameters. In this case, it prints the list of the available options and their descriptions.


The following command starts Feed Service:

kl_control.bat start

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Managing Feed Service from the command line (Linux)

You can run the Feed Service binary file from the command line.

We recommend that you use systemd to manage Feed Service. Running Feed Service from the command line is intended for troubleshooting purposes.

The binary file uses the flags described in the following table.

Flags for kl_feed_service





Path to the configuration file

Path to the configuration file.

You can use absolute or relative paths. If a relative path is specified, it is calculated relative to the Feed Service binary file.



Runs Feed Service in watchdog mode.



Prints the Feed Service version.

If flags except -h are specified, they will be ignored.


Path to the PID file.

Path to the PID file.

You can use absolute or relative paths. If a relative path is specified, it is calculated relative to the Feed Service binary file.

This flag is optional. By default, PID file is created in a directory with the Feed Service binary file.



Prints the information about flags that can be used with kl_feed_service.

If other flags are specified, they will be ignored.


The following command runs Feed Service in watchdog mode and specifies serv.conf as the configuration file.

./kl_feed_service -w -c "./serv.conf"

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Managing Feed Service from the command line (Windows)

You can run the Feed Service binary file from the command line.

We recommend managing Feed Service by using the script. Running Feed Service from the command line is intended for troubleshooting purposes.

The binary file uses the flags described in the following table.

Flags for kl_feed_service.exe




Adds Feed Service to the list of Windows services.


Removes Feed Service from the list of Windows services.


Starts Feed Service as a Windows service.

Note that only Service Control Manager can run kl_feed_service.exe with this flag. If the user tries to run kl_feed_service.exe with this flag, an error occurs.

--version (or -v)

Prints the Feed Service version and exits.

If flags except -h are specified, they will be ignored.

--help (or -h)

Prints the information about flags that can be used with kl_feed_service.exe and exits.

If no flag is specified, the kl_feed_service.exe program prints the list of available flags to the screen.

Feed Service uses the configuration file that resides in the same folder as the kl_feed_service.exe binary file.

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Feed Service configuration reference

This section describes the configuration file of Feed Service.

We recommend that you configure Feed Service by using the Settings > Service tab. Use this section only for configuration that cannot be done from the web interface.

In this section

About the configuration file (Feed Service)












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About the configuration file (Feed Service)

Feed Service reads settings from a configuration file.

Editing the configuration file

If the configuration file is absent or does not follow the rules specified in this section, Feed Service does not start and prints an error message.

To avoid potential issues, make a backup copy of the Feed Service configuration file before you make any changes in the file. If Kaspersky CyberTrace does not work properly after you have reconfigured Feed Service, replace the configuration file with its backup copy.

Applying changes made to the configuration file

You have to reload the configuration file or restart Feed Service after you edit the configuration file for the changes to take effect.

You can apply changes made to certain elements of the configuration file by reloading the configuration file but without restarting Feed Service.

These elements include:

  • InputSettings > RegExps
  • Feeds
  • OutputSettings > RecordFieldContextFormat
  • OutputSettings > AlertFormat
  • OutputSettings > EventFormat

To reload the configuration file without restarting Feed Service,

Run the script for managing Feed Service with the reloadconfig option.

To apply changes made to other elements of the configuration file, you have to restart Feed Service.

To restart Feed Service,

Run the script for managing Feed Service with the restart option.

Configuration file location (Linux)

In Linux, the configuration file used by Feed Service can be specified in the following ways:

  • When Feed Service is started from the command line, the path to a configuration file can be specified as an argument. By default, this path is ../etc/kl_feed_service.conf.
  • When Feed Service is managed using the script, the path to the configuration file is specified in the script parameters. By default, this path is %service_dir%/etc/kl_feed_service.conf.

Configuration file location (Windows)

The configuration file used by Feed Service is named kl_feed_service.conf and resides in the same directory as the Feed Service binary file.

Case sensitivity

All the names used in the configuration file (for example, pattern names or feed fields) are case-sensitive.

Using special characters

To use special characters (for example, an ampersand or angle brackets) in regular expressions and other parameters, enclose the text of the elements in a CDATA section.

The following example uses braces around parameters:


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Specifies whether the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) were accepted by a user.


This element has no attributes.

Possible values

This element has the following possible values.

EULA element possible values




The terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) were accepted by a user.


The terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) were not accepted by a user.

In this case, Kaspersky CyberTrace cannot be used.


The following is an example of a EULA element.


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Defines the indicator database settings.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • ConnectionString

    Specifies the IP address and port that will be used for accessing the indicator database.

    For more information about this element, see the "IndicatorDatabaseSettings > ConnectionString" section below.

IndicatorDatabaseSettings > ConnectionString

This element must contain a string with an IP address and a port. See the example below.

This element is mandatory.


The following is an example of this element.




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Contains configuration for tenants.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:


The following is an example of this element.


<Domain name="Example Domain">



<Domain name="Example Domain 2">





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Defines configuration for a single feed in a tenant.


Domains > Domain


This element has the following attributes.

Domain element attributes




Tenant name

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • Description

    Tenant description

    This element is optional.

  • InputSettings

    Input connection settings specific for this tenant. See InputSettings.

  • OutputSettings

    Output connection settings specific for this tenant. See OutputSettings.

    This section is for a specific tenant. It cannot have AlertConnectionString and AlertFormat as nested elements.

  • Feeds

    Feed settings for the feeds used in this tenant.

    For more information about this element, see the Domain > Feeds section below.

Domain > Feeds

Feed settings for the feeds used in the tenant.

This element is a container for the following nested element:

  • Feed

    Settings for a specific feed in a tenant.


The following is an example of this element.

<Domain name="CustomDomain">

<Description>Custom domain description</Description>











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Domain > Feeds > Feed

Defines configuration for a single tenant.


Domains > Domain > Feeds > Feed


This element has the following attributes.

Feed element attributes




Feed name.

Must correspond to the name of a feed in the Feeds > Feed element.


Specifies if the feed is used in the tenant.

The feed must be enabled in the corresponding Feeds > Feed element to be used in a tenant.

If the feed is enabled in the tenant, the value is true.

If the feed is disabled in the tenant, the value is false.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:

  • ActionableFields

    Actionable fields for this feed in this tenant.

    The specified actionable fields replace actionable fields that are defined for this feed in the Feeds > Feed > ActionableFields element (if such fields are defined).

    This element is optional.

    For more information, see Feeds > Feed > ActionableFields.


The following is an example of this element.

<Feed feedname=ExampleFeed used="true">


<ActionableField name="ExampleField" output_name="ExampleOutputField"/>




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Contains input settings for the General tenant.

This element defines the IP address and port that Feed Service will listen on for incoming events, normalizing rules for processing the events, and regular expressions for parsing the events.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • RegExps

    Contains Boost regular expressions that are used to parse incoming events originating from different sources.

  • ConnectionString

    Specifies the IP address and port (or the Windows-named pipe) that the service will listen on for incoming events.

  • EventDelimiter

    Specifies the rule for the splitting of incoming events,


The following is an example of this element.







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Contains Boost regular expressions that are used to parse incoming events originating from different sources.


InputSettings > RegExps


This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:

  • Source

    Contains parameters for a specific event source.


The following is an example of this element.


<Source id="default">



<Source id="ExampleSource1">



<Source id="ExampleSource2">




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Contains parameters for a specific event source.

The regular expressions and event normalizing rules specified in the configuration file are grouped by event sources that are represented by Source elements. Usually these event sources are devices that issue events, which afterward are checked by Feed Service. Every Source element contains a set of rules. There can be one or more Source elements in the InputSettings > RegExps element.

Rules workflow

The way Feed Service chooses rules from different Source elements is described in the following flow chart.


Choosing a rule

Note that event normalizing rules are applied first and regular expressions are applied afterwards.

The regular expressions of the default event source for finding URLs, IP addresses, and hashes are universal; that is, they can be used for parsing events issued by most devices. They can be used for parsing events that contain multiple URLs, but cannot be used, for example, for parsing events that contain URLs with no protocol specified. The use of universal regular expressions lowers the performance of Feed Service, compared to using device-specific regular expressions. Also, the universal regular expressions do not handle the dispersal, in an event, of different parts of a URL (for example, the host and the path). The universal regular expressions for finding hashes can extract symbol sequences that actually are not hashes.

Special event sources

There must be an event source with the default identifier (<Source id="default">). Rules of the default event source have lower priority than rules specific to the event source. Rules specific to the event source are applied first. Rules of the default event source are applied next. If a rule specific to the event source and a rule of the default event source have the same name, the rule of the default event source is applied only if the rule specific to the event source had no matches.

There are two special event sources that you can use: http_single_lookup (<Source id="http_single_lookup">) and http_file_lookup (<Source id="http_file_lookup">).

The rules of the http_single_lookup event source are used when single values are searched for by using CyberTrace Web.

The rules of the http_file_lookup event source are used when hashes of specified files or indicators in log files are searched for by using CyberTrace Web. Therefore, if you have to search for values contained in a log file that has a special format, we recommend specifying rules for the http_file_lookup event source.

If the configuration file contains the http_single_lookup event source or the http_file_lookup event source, we strongly recommend that you do not remove the regular expressions specified in these special event sources by default and, instead, edit them as needed.


InputSettings > RegExps > Source


This element has the following attributes.

Source element attributes




A unique identifier of the event source.

In detection events, the identifier of the event source can be referred to by the %SourceId% pattern.


The IP address of the event source.

If an event has arrived from an event source that has the specified IP address, the event is processed by using the rules contained in this Source element. If the IP address of the event source is not among those specified in the ip attribute of the Source elements, the host name of the event source is determined and a Source element that has this host name in the hostname attribute is searched for. The rules from that Source element are used for processing the event.

The ip attribute cannot be set for the default, http_single_lookup, and http_file_lookup event sources.


The host name of the event source. The value of the host name is extracted from the event. In syslog events, the host name follows the timestamp (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5424). For example, in the event Feb 2 11:57:59 sample-hostname alert: sample event text, the host name is sample-hostname.

If an event has arrived from an event source that has the specified host name and the IP address of the event source is not among those specified in the ip attribute of the Source elements, the event is processed by using the rules contained in this Source element.

The hostname attribute cannot be set for the default, http_single_lookup, and http_file_lookup event sources.


The regular expression that is used to determine if an event comes from the source.

The specified regular expression is applied to an event. If the regular expression matches the event one or more times, the event is considered to be from the source. In this case, the event is processed by using the rules contained in this Source element.

The hostname attribute cannot be set for the default, http_single_lookup, and http_file_lookup event sources.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • Regular expressions

    Regular expressions that are used to parse incoming events originating from this source.

    Each regular expression is a separate element with the name of the regular expression.

  • NormalizingRules

    Rules for modifying incoming events.


The following is an example of this element.

<Source id="CustomSource" ip="">

<RE_MD5 type="MD5" extract="all">([\da-fA-F]{32})</RE_MD5>

<RE_SHA1 type="SHA1" extract="all">([\da-fA-F]{40})</RE_SHA1>

<RE_SHA256 type="SHA256" extract="all">([\da-fA-F]{64})</RE_SHA256>





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Source > Regular expression

Defines a regular expression for an event source.


InputSettings > RegExps > Source > %RegexpName%

This element has the name of the regular expression.


This element has the following attributes.

%RegexpName% element attributes




Sets a rule for creating a compound value from data extracted from an event.

For more information, see section "About regular expressions".


The extract attribute specifies how multiple values that matched a regular expression must be extracted.

Possible values are all and first.

The all value specifies that all values that match a regular expression must be extracted. For every matched value, a separate detection event is generated.

The first value specifies that only the first value that matches a regular expression must be extracted.


Specifies the type of value that is extracted by this regular expression.

Possible values:

  • URL—URL address
  • MD5—MD5 hash
  • SHA1—SHA1 hash
  • SHA256—SHA256 hash
  • HASH—MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 hash
  • IP—IP address
  • DOMAIN—domain name
  • CONTEXT—context information

    This attribute is optional. If it is omitted, the default CONTEXT value is used.


Specifies if the extracted value that matched a specified regular expression must be used for a retrospective scan.

If the extracted value must be used for the retrospective scan, the value of this attribute is true.

If the extracted value must not be used for the retrospective scan, the value of this attribute is false.

This attribute cannot be used within elements where the RegExps > Source > id attribute is set for the http_file_lookup or http_single_lookup event sources.


This element contains a Boost regular expression.

For more information about specifying values for this parameter, see section "About regular expressions".


The following is an example of this element.

<RE_MD5 type="MD5" use_for_retroscan="true" extract="all">([\da-fA-F]{32})</RE_MD5>

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Source > NormalizingRules

Defines rules for modifying incoming events.

For more information about normalizing rules, see Adding normalizing rules.


InputSettings > RegExps > Source > NormalizingRules


This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • Replace

    These elements specify replacing rules.

  • Ignore

    These elements specify ignoring rules.

NormalizingRules > Replace

Defines a replacing rule.

This element has the following attributes.

Replace element attributes




Specifies a regular expression for the rule.


Specifies the replacement sequence.

NormalizingRules > Ignore

Defines an ignoring rule

This element has the following attributes.

Ignore element attributes




Specifies a regular expression for the rule.


The following is an example of this element.


<Replace input="^\<(\d+)\>" output="NEW_EVENT\:\1\s" />

<Ignore input="Device0002" />


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Specifies the IP address and port (or the Windows-named pipe) that the service will listen on for incoming events.

This element is mandatory.


InputSettings > ConnectionString


This element has no attributes.


The value is formatted as <ip_address>:<port> (if an IP address and port are used) or as \\.\pipe\<pipe_name> (if a Windows-named pipe is used).

The IP address must consist of four decimal octets, each separated by a dot. The value in each octet must be less than 256.


The following is an example of this element.


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Specifies the rule for the splitting of incoming events.


InputSettings > EventDelimiter


This element has no attributes.


The value rule must have the following format:


The %START_EVENT_SYMBOLS% value contains the regular expression that corresponds to the beginning of the substring of the incoming event.

The rule processes all occurrences of the %START_EVENT_SYMBOLS% value. If the %START_EVENT_SYMBOLS% value is found in the string of the incoming event, this string will be split into multiple events by the addition of the newline character (\n) before every matched substring.

If the %START_EVENT_SYMBOLS% value does not match any substring of the incoming string, the incoming string is considered a single event.

If an event contains newline characters (\n), such an event will be split by using both the %START_EVENT_SYMBOLS% value and newline characters as event delimiters.


The following is an example of this element.


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Defines how events must be checked against feeds.




This element has the following attributes:

Feeds element attributes




This attribute specifies how many times a field from an event can be matched against feeds.

For example, a certain URL can match many feed records, so there will be many detection events. The per_scan_detect_limit attribute is used to limit the number of generated events.

This attribute is optional. If it is omitted, the number of generated events is not limited.


This attribute specifies the update period (in minutes) for the feeds.

You can use one of the following values: 0, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, or 1440.

The value 0 means that Kaspersky CyberTrace does not update feeds automatically.

This attribute is optional. If it is omitted, the value 30 is used by default.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:

  • Feed

    Every Feed element describes a feed.

    A configuration file must contain at least one Feed element.


The following is an example of this element.

<Feeds per_scan_detect_limit="10000" update_frequency="30">

<Feed filename="Demo_Botnet_CnC_URL_Data_Feed.json" enabled="true" confidence="100">



<Feed filename="Demo_Malicious_Hash_Data_Feed.json" enabled="true" confidence="100">



<Feed filename="Demo_IP_Reputation_Data_Feed.json" enabled="true" confidence="100">




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Describes a feed or supplier.


Feeds > Feed


This element has the following attributes:

Feed element attributes




Specifies if the feed or supplier is enabled globally (across all tenants).


The name of the supplier or the file name of the feed in the directory specified in the ServiceSettings > Bases element.

This attribute is mandatory.


The level of confidence of the feed or supplier. You can use values in the range of 1 to 100. The preset values are 100 for feeds from Kaspersky, 50 for OSINT feeds, and 50 for third-party feeds or suppliers.

This attribute is mandatory.


The period (in hours) following the last feed update, after which a notification about the outdated feed (KL_ALERT_OutdatedFeed) is sent to the event target.

To turn off notifications for this feed, set this parameter to 0. If the attribute is omitted, the value of the ServiceSettings > OutdatedBasesAlertPeriod element is used.

We recommend that you set this parameter to 120 for commercial Kaspersky Data Feeds and to 720 for Kaspersky advanced persistent threat (APT) feeds. Also, we recommend that for OSINT feeds you set this parameter to 0 or another value that is convenient for you.

For third-party suppliers, this parameter is set to 0 by default.

This attribute is optional.


The period (in hours), after which indicators of compromise from the feed or supplier are removed from the database. If the indicator is detected on the basis of the incoming event, it is not removed from the database, but the feed that contains this indicator or the supplier that provided it can no longer be used in the matching process.

To enable an infinite time limit for the feed or supplier invalidation, set this attribute to 0. By default, the value of this attribute is 120.

This attribute is mandatory (except for Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds).


Name of the feed or supplier vendor.

This attribute is optional.


Specifies if the indicators from the feed or supplier must be used for retrospective scan.

If the indicators must be used for retrospective scan, the value of this attribute is true.

If the indicators must not be used for retrospective scan, the value of this attribute is false.


Indicates that the supplier was added with the REST API.

If the supplier was added with the REST API, the value of this attribute is true.

This attribute is optional.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • Field

    This element is obsolete starting from Kaspersky CyberTrace version 4.0.

    A Field element specifies the rules for checking an event against the records of the feed.

    For more information about this element, see section "About feed matching rules".

  • ActionableFields

    Defines actionable fields.


The following is an example of this element.

<Feed filename="Demo_Botnet_CnC_URL_Data_Feed.json" enabled="true" confidence="100">





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Feed > ActionableFields

Defines the fields that must be inserted into the outgoing events apart from the context. An outgoing event contains context and actionable fields.


Feeds > Feed > ActionableFields


This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:

ActionableFields > ActionableField

Defines a single actionable field.

This element has the following attributes:

ActionableField element attributes




The name of the field as it is used in the feed


Contains the name of the field as it will be inserted into outgoing events.

If the output_name attribute is omitted or contains an empty value, the field name in the outgoing event will be the same as the field name specified in the feed.


The following is an example of this element.


<ActionableField name="information" output_name="cs4"/>

<ActionableField name="threat" output_name="cs3"/>


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About feed matching rules

Starting from Kaspersky CyberTrace version 4.0, the Feeds > Feed > Field element is obsolete. Information in this section applies only to Kaspersky CyberTrace 3.1.0 and below.

Feed Service checks incoming events against the feeds specified in the Feeds > Feed elements. For each specified feed, matching rules are set with one or more Field elements. Each Field element describes how a particular field in the feed must match the data from incoming events.

The following is an example of a Field element:

<Field name="mask" matching_type="Url" input_regexp_to_match="RE_URL" category="KL_BotnetCnC_URL" />

The Field element must have the following attributes:

  • name

    The name of the field in the feed must be specified in the name attribute. Note that field names are case-sensitive. For example, fields "md5" and "MD5" are different fields.

    To specify nested fields, use the '/' delimiter. For example, name="detail/info" specifies the info field in a feed that has the following content:[ { "hash":"234D123...", "detail": [ { "info" : "some value" } ] } ].

  • matching_type

    The type of matching must be specified in the matching_type attribute.

    The following values are possible:

    • "Url"

      The event field will be checked for conformance to the URL masks stored in the feed. For more information about the masks stored in feeds, contact your technical account manager (TAM).

    • "Exact"

      Comparison of two strings will be performed: the event field and the field stored in the feed.

    • "Hash"

      The event field will be checked to determine whether it is equal to the one stored in the feed. This matching type is used only for hashes.

  • input_regexp_to_match

    Name of a regular expression that is used for matching. The value of this attribute must be one of the regular expression names from the InputSettings > RegExps element.

  • category

    The category that will be used in the outgoing event.

All the attributes of the Field element are required.

The following is an example of the feed matching rules for a specific feed:

<Feed filename="Botnet_CnC_URL_Data_Feed.json">

<Field name="mask" matching_type="Url" input_regexp_to_match="RE_URL" category="KL_BotnetCnC_URL" />

<Field name="files/MD5" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_MD5" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_MD5" />

<Field name="files/SHA1" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_SHA1" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA1" />

<Field name="files/SHA256" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_SHA256" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA256" />


The following is an example of the feed matching rules for a specific feed for ArcSight:

<Feed filename="Botnet_CnC_URL_Data_Feed.json">

<Field name="mask" matching_type="Url" input_regexp_to_match="RE_URL" category="KL_BotnetCnC_URL" />

<Field name="files/MD5" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_HASH" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_MD5" />

<Field name="files/SHA1" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_HASH" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA1" />

<Field name="files/SHA256" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_HASH" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA256" />


If you have events that contain the event source IP address, we recommend that you check them against IP Reputation Data Feed. This must be done because the event source may be a bot or a malicious device of some other kind that takes part in a DoS attack on the user resources. To check such events against IP Reputation Data Feed, add an SRC_IP regular expression to find the event source IP addresses. Also, add a rule for IP Reputation Data Feed to use the SRC_IP regular expression, so that the configuration file will contain the following records:

<Feed filename="IP_Reputation_Data_Feed.json">

<Field name="ip" matching_type="Exact" input_regexp_to_match="RE_IP" category="KL_IP_Reputation" />

<Field name="ip" matching_type="Exact" input_regexp_to_match="SRC_IP" category="KL_IP_Reputation" />


Also, add the reference to the value found by the SRC_IP regular expression (%SRC_IP%) to the OutputSettings > EventFormat element.

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Contains indicators export settings.




This element has the following attributes.

IoCExports element attributes




Path to a directory that will contain the report.

This path can be either absolute or relative.

Nested elements

The IoCExports element is a container for the following nested element:


The following is an example of this element.

<IoCExports export_dir="../reports">



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Defines settings for a single report with exported data.


IoCExports > IoCExport


This element has the following attributes.

IoCExport element attributes




The name of the export task.

The name can be in a range from 2 to 64 characters in length, must contain only Latin letters, digits (0-9), hyphens ('-'), and underscores ('_').

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies if a report must be generated.

If the report must be generated, the value is true.

If the report must not be generated, the value is false.

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies the rule for splitting fields in the report file.

Use one of the following characters as a delimiter: ',', ';', ' ', (space character), '\t' (tab character).

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies the update period (in minutes) for the export task.

The following values are possible: 0, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, 1440.

This attribute is mandatory.


Indicates whether the report file must contain column names as the first string.

If the report file must contain column names as the first string, the value is true.

If the report file must not contain column names as the first string, the value is false.

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies the maximum number of indicators that can be included to the report file.

The value must be a positive integer. The maximum number of records is 50,000.

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies the identifier of the Kaspersky CyberTrace user who created the report.

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies the credentials (user name and password) that must be used in the Basic authorization scheme when requesting a report. These credentials are stored encrypted. You can configure encryption by using the Kaspersky CyberTrace web user interface.

This attribute is optional.

Nested elements

The IoCExports > IoCExport element is a container for the following nested element:

  • Filter

    A configuration file must contain at least one Filter element.


The following is an example of this element.

<IoCExport name="report_csv_123" enabled="true" delimiter=";" update_frequency="1440" create_header="true" records_limit="10000" created_by="admin" credentials="Mhy5QB7R487xbULBQJn8CzpOdV2fQftPyBJPxgjLBXZb+x08">



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IoCExport > Filter

Defines the filtering rules for data to be exported.


IoCExports > IoCExport > Filter


This element has the following attributes.

Filter element attributes




Specifies the name of the field to which filtering rules are applied and /or which must be exported.

You can specify indicator attribute names from the indicator database. For the list of possible names, see section "Working with indicators"

The name can be in a range from 2 to 255 characters in length, must contain only lowercase ASCII characters and cannot begin with a hyphen ('-'), a plus ('+') and an underscore ('_'). The space symbol (' ') and the tab symbol cannot be used. Also, the attribute name cannot contain the following characters: ',', '|', '>', '<', '"', '*', '?', ':', '\', '/'.

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies filtering criteria for the field.

It is allowed to use a %NOW% value (this template is case-insensitive) that contains a current system time and any value that meets the requirements described in the "Working with indicators" section. You may add a number to this value or subtract a number (for example, specify %NOW%-7 for the left boundary and %NOW% for the right boundary).

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies whether the field values must be included in the report file.

If the field values must be included to the report file, the value is true.

If the field values must not be included in the report file, the value is false.

This attribute is mandatory.


Specifies the name of the field that must contain the values from the exported field.

This attribute is mandatory if the following requirements are met:

  • The value of the IoCExport > create_header attribute is true
  • The value of the Filter > included attribute is true


Specifies the sorting order for field values.

The following values are possible:

  • asc

    Values will be sorted in ascending order.

  • desc

    Values will be sorted in descending order.

    This attribute is optional.


The following is an example of this element.

<Filter field="ioc_type" value="MD5;SHA1" sort="desc" included="false"/>

<Filter field="supplier_name" value="IP Reputation Data Feed" included="true" output_name="feed"/>

<Filter field="supplier_confidence" value="*" included="false"/>

<Filter field="added_timestamp" value="[*;25.12.2019]" sort="asc" included="false"/>

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Contains retrospective scan settings.




This element has the following attributes.

RetroScan element attributes




Indicates if a retrospective scan mechanism is enabled.

If the retrospective scan is enabled, the value is true.

If the retrospective scan is disabled, the value is false.

The preset value is false.

This attribute is mandatory.


The maximum size of the events (in MB) that must be saved for the retrospective scan.

The preset value is 10000.

This attribute is mandatory.


The maximum time interval (in days) during which the events that must be saved for the retrospective scan are stored.

The preset value is 30.

This attribute is mandatory.


The maximum time interval (in days) during which the results of the retrospective scan are stored.

The preset value is 90.

This attribute is mandatory.


Frequency (in hours) of the retrospective scan scheduled task.

The preset value is 24.

This attribute is mandatory.

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Contains filtering rules for detection events from Kaspersky CyberTrace. You can specify several filtering rules at once.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:

  • Filter

    A filtering rule.

SendEventFilters > Filter

This element defines a filtering rule.

For more information about this element and possible values of its attributes, see section "Working with indicators".

This element has the following attributes:

ActionableField element attributes




The name of the indicator attribute from the indicator database to which filtering rules are applied.


Filtering rule.

Kaspersky CyberTrace sends a detection event if the value of the indicator attribute matches the specified value.



The following is an example of this element.


<Filter attribute="ioc_supplier_context.last_seen" value="[01.02.2013;01.02.2015]"/>

<Filter attribute="ioc_supplier_context.popularity" value="5"/>

<Filter attribute="ioc_updated_timestamp" value="[%NOW%-3;%NOW%]"/>


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Contains output settings for the General tenant.

Defines the address and port of the event target software to send the outgoing events to, and the format of the outgoing events.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • EventFormat

    Specifies the format of outgoing events.

    For more information about the values of this element, see About event formats and patterns.

    The EventFormat element is mandatory.

  • RecordFieldContextFormat

    Specifies how context fields must be added to an event.

    For more information about the values of this element, see About event formats and patterns.

    The RecordFieldContextFormat element is mandatory.

  • ActionableFieldContextFormat

    Specifies how actionable fields must be added to an event.

    For more information about the values of this element, see About event formats and patterns.

    The ActionableFieldContextFormat element is mandatory.

  • AlertFormat

    Specifies the format for outgoing events that inform the event target software of the Feed Service state.

    For more information about the values of this element, see About event formats and patterns.

    The AlertFormat element is optional. If it is absent from the configuration file, no notification is made.

  • ConnectionString

    Specifies the IP address and port (or the Windows-named pipe) to which the service will send outgoing events.

    The ConnectionString element is mandatory.

    For more information about this element, see the "OutputSettings > ConnectionString" section below.

  • AlertConnectionString

    Specifies the IP address (or host) and port to which the service will send service alerts.

    The AlertConnectionString element is optional.

    For more information about this element, see the "OutputSettings > AlertConnectionString" section below.

  • FinishedEventFormat

    Specifies the format of the informational event that is generated for each processed event.

    The FinishedEventFormat element is mandatory.

    For more information about this element, see the "OutputSettings > FinishedEventFormat" section below.

OutputSettings > ConnectionString

Specifies the IP address (or host) and port to which the service will send service alerts.

The string is formatted as <ip_address>:<port> (if an IP address and port are used) or as \\.\pipe\<pipe_name> (if a Windows-named pipe is used). The IP address must consist of four decimal octets, each separated by a dot. The value in each octet must be less than 256.

OutputSettings > AlertConnectionString

Specifies the IP address (or host) and port to which the service will send service alerts.

The value of this element is formatted as <ip_address>:<port> (if an IP address and port are used) or as \\.\pipe\<pipe_name> (if a Windows-named pipe is used). The IP address must consist of four decimal octets, each separated by a dot. The value in each octet must be less than 256.

The AlertConnectionString element is optional. If the element is omitted, the enabled attribute with the false value is used for this element.

This element has the following attributes:

AlertConnectionString element attributes




Defines whether Feed Service sends alert events to the specified IP address and port.

Possible values: true, false.

If the value is true, Feed Service will send alert events to the IP address and port that are specified in this element.

If the value is false, Feed Service will send alert events to the IP address and port that are specified in the OutputSettings > ConnectionString element.

OutputSettings > FinishedEventFormat

Specifies the format of the informational event that is generated after an event is processed.

If this parameter is enabled, Kaspersky CyberTrace will generate an informational event for each event that it processes. An informational event is generated even if there were no detections.

The FinishedEventFormat element is mandatory.

The value of this element specifies the event format. You can use the %RecordContext% pattern and regular expression names in the format. For more information about patterns, see About event formats and patterns.

The %RecordContext% pattern will provide the following fields, if used:

  • category

    It is "LookupFinished" for events of this type.

  • sent_events

    The number of events sent to a SIEM solution.

  • total

    Concatenation of the following substrings formed for every category assigned to detection events:


    If there were no detections, the sent_events parameter is set to 0, and the total string is empty.

This element has the following attributes:

FinishedEventFormat element attributes




Defines whether special informational events are generated.

Possible values: true, false.

If the value is true, Feed Service will generate special informational events.

If the value is false, or this attribute is omitted, Feed Service will not generate special informational events.

This attribute is optional.


The following is an example of this element.


<RecordFieldContextFormat><![CDATA[ %ParamName%=%ParamValue%]]></RecordFieldContextFormat>

<AlertFormat>%Date% alert=%Alert%%RecordContext%</AlertFormat>

<EventFormat>%RE_DATE% category=%Category% matchedIndicator=%MatchedIndicator% url=%RE_URL% src=%SRC_IP% ip=%RE_IP% md5=%RE_MD5% sha1=%RE_SHA1% sha256=%RE_SHA256% usrName=%RE_USERNAME%%RecordContext%</EventFormat>

<FinishedEventFormat enabled="true">LookupFinished %RecordContext%</FinishedEventFormat>

<ActionableFieldContextFormat><![CDATA[ %ParamName%:%ParamValue%]]></ActionableFieldContextFormat>




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Defines settings for the Feed Service process.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • Bases

    Specifies the path to the directory that contains feeds from Kaspersky. If a relative path is set, it is calculated relative to the directory that contains the service binary file.

    The Bases element is mandatory.

  • BasesBackup

    Specifies the path to the directory that contains backup version of feeds from Kaspersky. If a relative path is set, it is calculated relative to the directory that contains the service binary file.

    The BasesBackup element is mandatory.

  • BasesDownload

    Specifies the path to the directory that contains downloaded feeds from Kaspersky. If a relative path is set, it is calculated relative to the directory that contains the service binary file.

    The BasesDownload element is mandatory.

  • TemporaryDir

    The directory for temporary files.

    The TemporaryDir element is optional. If it is omitted, the default value is used.

    In Linux, the default value is /tmp.

    In Windows, the default value is %TEMP% (the current Windows user's temporary folder).

  • OutdatedBasesAlertPeriod

    The time interval in hours following the last feed update, after which a notification about an outdated feed is sent to the event target. To turn off notifications, set this parameter to 0. This setting is taken into account for every feed that has no outdated_alert_period attribute.

    The OutdatedBasesAlertPeriod element is optional. If it is omitted, the default value 0 is used.

  • ScannersCount

    The number of scanners. Every scanner handles a single TCP connection.

    If you want to run Feed Service in watchdog mode, specify one scanner in addition to the number of scanners needed for Feed Service itself. This must be done because the watchdog module uses an additional scanner.

    The ScannersCount element is optional. If it is omitted, the default value 9 is used.

  • ScanningThreadsPerScanner

    The number of threads per scanner.

    The ScanningThreadsPerScanner element is optional. If it is omitted, the default value 8 is used.

  • EventSendingRetriesCount

    Number of times Feed Service tries to resend a detection event to a SIEM solution if the first attempt at sending fails. If the value of EventSendingRetriesCount is 0, Feed Service sends each detection event one time and does not attempt to resend it.

    Maximum possible value is 10. The preset value is 3.

    The EventSendingRetriesCount element is mandatory.

  • EventSendingRetriesTimеout

    Time interval between attempts made by Feed Service to resend a detection event to a SIEM solution, in seconds. Maximum possible value is 60.

    The EventSendingRetriesTimеout element is mandatory.

    The preset value is 10.

  • FeedsRollbackEnabled

    Specifies if feeds rollback is enabled or disabled.

    If feeds rollback is enabled, feeds are rolled back when Kaspersky CyberTrace fails to upload new indicators into the Matching engine after feeds are updated. Kaspersky CyberTrace removes new indicators from the database and uses the previous feeds.

    Possible values:

    • true — feeds rollback is enabled.
    • false — feeds rollback is disabled.

    Kaspersky CyberTrace reads FeedsRollbackEnabled only during initialization and does not reread it after.

    By default, there is no FeedsRollbackEnabled element in the configuration file. If this element is missing, feeds rollback is enabled.


The following is an example of this element.













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Defines settings for the CyberTrace Web.




This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:


The following is an example of this element.












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Contains the CyberTrace HTTP service parameters.


GUISettings > HTTPServer


This element has no attributes.


The HTTPServer element is optional. If it is omitted, the default values are used.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • ConnectionString

    Specifies the IP address and port where the CyberTrace HTTP service is available.

    The ConnectionString element is optional. If it is omitted, the IP address and port are used. After the installation process is complete, the default value of the HTTPServer > ConnectionString element is

  • SSLCertificatePath

    Path to the PEM-formatted certificate on a local computer for HTTPS connections. If a relative path is specified, it is calculated relative to the executable file.

    For security reasons, do not store your certificate in a shared folder accessible over a network and do not specify the path to a network shared folder containing your certificate.

    The SSLCertificatePath element is optional. If it is omitted, the ../httpsrv/kl_feed_service_cert.pem file is used.

  • SSLPrivateKeyPath

    Path to the PEM-formatted private key on a local computer for HTTPS connections. If a relative path is specified, it is calculated relative to the executable file.

    For security reasons, do not store your private key in a shared folder accessible over a network and do not specify the path to a network shared folder containing your private key.

    The SSLPrivateKeyPath element is optional. If it is omitted, the ../httpsrv/kl_feed_service_private.pem file is used.

  • TemplatesPath

    Path to the directory that contains layout pages for CyberTrace HTTP Service. If a relative path is specified, it is calculated relative to the executable file.

    The TemplatesPath element is optional. If it is omitted, the ../httpsrv/templates/ directory is used.

  • ResourcesIP

    Contains the IP address or hostname that is used in the %IndicatorInfo% field of detection events, in the service events to notify that a retrospective scan completes, and in the result of exporting an indicator.

    The ResourcesIP element is mandatory. The default value is


The following is an example of this element.








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Contains the Feed Utility parameters.


GUISettings > FeedUtil


This element has no attributes.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:

  • ConfigurationPath

    Path to the Feed Utility configuration file.

    The ConfigurationPath element is mandatory.


The following is an example of this element.




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Defines settings for connection to the LDAP servers.


GUISettings > AuthenticationServers


This element has no attributes.


This element is mandatory.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested element:


The following is an example of this element.


<AuthenticationServer type="LDAP" enabled="true">




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AuthenticationServers > AuthenticationServer

Contains the LDAP connection settings parameters.


GUISettings > AuthenticationServers > AuthenticationServer


The AuthenticationServer element is optional.


This element has the following attributes.

AuthenticationServer element attributes




Specifies the type of server to connect.

Possible values: LDAP.

This attribute is mandatory.


Indicates whether the specified server must be used.

Possible values: true, false.

This attribute is mandatory.

Nested elements

This element is a container for the following nested elements:

  • ConnectionString

    Contains the connection parameters for the LDAP server.

    For more information about this element, see subsection "AuthenticationServer > ConnectionString" below.

  • DomainName

    The path to the database that contains the user accounts that can access Kaspersky CyberTrace.

    For more information about this element, see subsection "AuthenticationServer > DomainName" below.

  • AdministratorAccountsFilter

    Contains filtering rules for user accounts that must be assigned the Administrator role.

    The AdministratorAccountsFilter element must not contain the value that is specified in the AnalystAccountsFilter element.

    The AdministratorAccountsFilter element can be empty.

  • AnalystAccountsFilter

    Contains filtering rules for user accounts that must be assigned the Analyst role.

    The AnalystAccountsFilter element must not contain the value that is specified in the AdministratorAccountsFilter element.

    The AnalystAccountsFilter element can be empty. If the value is not specified, all user accounts that access Kaspersky CyberTrace will have the Analyst role.

    This element is mandatory.

AuthenticationServer > ConnectionString

IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name), and port of the LDAP server.

This element is mandatory and cannot be empty.

This element has the following attributes.

ConnectionString element attributes




Indicates whether to use an SSL connection.

If an SSL connection is used, the value is true.

If an SSL connection is not used, the value is false.


Specifies a response timeout from the LDAP server, in seconds.

The range of values for this attribute is from 1 to 60.

AuthenticationServer > DomainName

The path to the database that contains the user accounts that can access Kaspersky CyberTrace.

This element is mandatory and cannot be empty.

This element has the following attributes.

DomainName element attributes




Indicates whether to use the User Principal Name (UPN) format.

Specify true, if you want to use UPN.

Otherwise, specify false. In this case, the SAM Account Name format is used.


The following is an example of this element.

<AuthenticationServer type="LDAP" enabled="true">

<ConnectionString use_encryption="false" connection_timeout="20">ldap.example.com:389</ConnectionString>

<DomainName use_principal_name="true">dc=testing,dc=con</DomainName>




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Feed Service logging

This section describes how Feed Service logs its activity.

Enabling logging

By default, logging is disabled. To enable logging, use the kl_feed_service_log.conf file in the bin directory where the binary file of the service is located. Fill in the kl_feed_service_log.conf file as described in this section. This file is used by Feed Service and the watchdog module. A change in the contents of the kl_feed_service_log.conf file results in the new settings being applied; this process takes several seconds.

Enabling logging decreases the performance of Feed Service. Use logging only if you encounter problems and errors.

Logging and data security

If you enable logging, Feed Service can write to the log files any of the following information that can be considered private, security-related, or sensitive:

  • Unmodified data (URLs, IP addresses, hashes, and other data) as it is received by Feed Service.
  • The results of checking events against a feed.

Log files are regular text files. No information written to the log files is encrypted. The log files have standard inherited access rights. We recommend that you assign the directory for storing log files the appropriate rights so that only the administrator can read the log files.

Kaspersky CyberTrace does not send log files or any data contained in them to Kaspersky. For technical support purposes, your Technical Account Manager can ask you to provide log files.

Log files are stored until they are explicitly deleted by a user. If the Append parameter in the logging configuration file is 0, the previous log files are deleted when Feed Service is started. If the Append parameter in the logging configuration file is 1, the information is retained during the full cycle of Feed Service usage

If you uninstall Kaspersky CyberTrace, these log files will not be deleted if the directory with log files is located outside of the Feed Service installation directory (as specified by the LogsFolder parameter).

For more information about data written to the log files, see subsection "Log file contents" below.

Logging configuration file

The kl_feed_service_log.conf file is an XML file. Its fields are described in the table below.



Mandatory / optional


Log level. One of the following values can be used:

  • non—Logging is off.
  • err—Only errors are logged.
  • inf—Errors and information messages are logged.
  • dbg—All messages are logged.
  • any—All messages including service information are logged.


By default, non.


The directory where to store log files. Absolute and relative paths can be used.

On Windows, you cannot use the following symbols in the LogsFolder parameter:

  • ?
  • *
  • #
  • $
  • :
  • "
  • <
  • >
  • |

If you use environment variables in the LogsFolder parameter, they will not be resolved, but used as is.


By default, the logs subdirectory of the directory that contains the service executable file.


The maximum size of the log file, in MB. If 0 is specified, the log file size is not limited.


By default, 0.


Indicates whether old log files must be removed (0) or appended (1). If you specify an empty value, this means that no data is written to the log (equal to specifying <WriteLog>non</WriteLog>).


By default, 0.


Indicates whether the system daemon syslog will be used for logging (1) or not (0).

This parameter is not used in Windows.


By default, 0.

Configuration file example

The following kl_feed_service_log.conf file example enables logging at the dbg logging level. Logs will be stored in the logs subdirectory of the directory where the Feed Service binary file resides.








Log files name format

Feed Service writes messages to files named "kl_feed_service-<pid>-<date_time>.log" or "kl_feed_service-<pid>-<date_time>_<index>.log".

The watchdog module writes messages to files named "kl_feed_servicewd-<pid>-<date_time>.log" or "kl_feed_servicewd-<pid>-<date_time>_<index>.log".

Log file contents

If the err logging level is used, Feed Service writes the following information to the log:

  • Feed Service version and PID of the service process.
  • The Feed Service configuration file parameters.
  • Path to the directory with feeds.
  • Errors occurred when normalizing a URL.
  • Errors occurred while establishing a TCP connection.
  • Watchdog messages:
    • Feed Service freezing or crashing.
    • Restarting Feed Service.
  • Errors that occurred while changing the state of CyberTrace Web interface elements. Identifiers of user sessions where these errors occurred.
  • Information about errors that occurred while handling CyberTrace Web HTTP requests:
    • Request method, GET or POST.
    • Request path for GET and POST requests.
    • GET request parameters. For POST requests, the request body is not logged.
    • Total elapsed time for handling the request.

If the inf logging level is used, Feed Service writes the following information to the log:

  • Information to be written at the err logging level.
  • Establishing or closing a TCP connection.
  • Receiving and sending TCP requests and responses.
  • Switching Feed Service to same-socket mode.
  • Putting new databases into effect.
  • Detecting an event that matches some record in a feed.
  • Incoming event.

    Note that incoming events can contain private data, and so we recommend that you protect the log files from unauthorized access.

  • Messages about navigating CyberTrace Web pages. Identifiers of user sessions for these messages.

If the dbg logging level is used, Feed Service writes the following information to the log:

  • Information to be written at the inf logging level.
  • Substrings in events information that regular expressions match.
  • The result of checking an event against a feed.
  • Sending test messages to and from the watchdog module.
  • Messages about actions performed on CyberTrace Web pages. Identifiers of user sessions for these messages.
  • Information about successful CyberTrace Web HTTP requests:
    • Request method, GET or POST.
    • Request path for GET and POST requests.
    • GET request parameters. For POST requests, the request body is not logged.
    • Total elapsed time for handling the request.
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About resending detection events

By default, if an error occurs when Feed Service is sending a detection event to a SIEM solution, this event is sent again after a period of time specified in the configuration file.

You can configure how many times Feed Service attempts to send each detection event and the interval between attempts by using the EventSendingRetriesCount and EventSendingRetriesTimеout elements of the configuration file.

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Feed Service in ReplyBack mode

In some cases, it is necessary for Feed Service to send responsive events back to the event source to the same socket from which the original events are received (ReplyBack mode).

To shift Feed Service to ReplyBack mode:

Send X-KF-ReplyBack as the first message after a TCP connection with Feed Service is established.

During the current TCP session every responsive event will be sent back to the same socket from which the original event was received. The setting specified in the OutputSettings > ConnectionString element of the configuration file will be ignored.

You can configure Feed Service to send an informational event indicating that event checking has finished.

To enable sending finishing events, perform one of the following actions:

  • Set the enable attribute of the OutputSettings > FinishedEventFormat element of the Feed Service configuration file to true.
  • Send X-KF-SendFinishedEventX-KF-ReplyBack as the first message after a TCP connection with Feed Service is established.

    In this case, the enable attribute of the OutputSettings > FinishedEventFormat element in the Feed Service configuration file will be ignored.

To instruct Feed Service that it must shift to ReplyBack mode and send finishing events:

Send X-KF-SendFinishedEventX-KF-ReplyBack as the first message after a TCP connection with Feed Service is established.

By default, in ReplyBack mode, Kaspersky CyberTrace does not save the statistics of the detection events received during the current connection.

To save the statistics of the detection events in ReplyBack mode:

  • If you want Feed Service to send finishing events, send X-KF-SendFinishedEventX-KF-ReplyBackX-KF-SaveStatistic as the first message after a TCP connection with Feed Service is established.
  • If you do not want Feed Service to send finishing events, send X-KF-ReplyBackX-KF-SaveStatistic as the first message after a TCP connection with Feed Service is established.
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Features of event processing by Feed Service

This section outlines the way in which Feed Service processes incoming events.

Feed Service receives and sends events using TCP. Events are encoded in UTF-8.

Feed Service processes special characters in incoming events as follows:

  • Feed Service treats the line feed character (0x0A) as the delimiter between events.

    Thus, text before a line feed character and text after it belong to different events.

  • Feed Service ignores the carriage return character (0x0D).
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Limitations on Feed Service incoming events

Feed Service processes events that are no larger than 64 kilobytes (KB). If an incoming event exceeds 64 KB, Feed Service splits it into several events and processes them separately. Thus, an indicator can be split in two and may not be extracted and checked.

We recommend that you configure the event source (the SIEM software), or the normalization rules, or both, so that the incoming events will not exceed 64 KB in size.

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