Kaspersky CyberTrace dashboard

Kaspersky CyberTrace Web opens with the Dashboard tab selected. The Dashboard displays the statistics of the work of Kaspersky CyberTrace and contains several sections:

Note that if Feed Service works in ReplyBack mode or you use Log Scanner in report mode (with the -r or --report command-line option), Kaspersky CyberTrace does not keep the statistics of the detection events and the Dashboard does not display the statistics.

Starting from Kaspersky CyberTrace version 3.1.0, you can download a detection statistics report by using the Dashboard tab. The report is an HTML file. For more information, see subsection "Downloading statistics reports".

Specifying the statistics period

You specify the time period for displaying statistics by selecting one of the Time range options on the Dashboard tab. You can select one of the following periods:

Statistics overview

This section provides an overview of detection statistics and contains the following items:

Also, you can display a notification that the actual number of events per second (EPS) received by Kaspersky CyberTrace exceeds the limit imposed by the license key or licensing level.

Feed statistics

This section provides detection statistics, organized by feed, and contains the following items:

If the white list contains records, the Feed statistics table has a row with White_List.json in the Feed name column and the size of the white list in the Indicators column. Other columns in this row contain 0.

If the black list contains records, the Feed statistics table has a row with Black_List.json in the Feed name column and the size of the black list in the Indicators column. The Detected column in this row contains the number of detections against the black list, and the Whitelisted column contains 0.

If you disable or remove a previously enabled feed, this feed will still be displayed in the table. Values in the Detected and Whitelisted columns will reflect the number of true and false detections produced by this feed while it was enabled, but the value in the Indicators column will always remain - (hyphen). To check if some feed is disabled, let your mouse hover over a string with the feed name: if the feed is disabled, the pop-up window with the feed status appears.

Indicator statistics

This section provides statistics of the checked indicators and contains the following items:

Downloading statistics reports

You can download a detection statistics report by using the Dashboard tab. The report is an HTML file.

To download a report,

Select the Download statistics link.

Note that the data displayed in the report is based on the data that is displayed on the Dashboard tab.

The generated file contains the following:

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