About feed matching rules

Feed Service checks incoming events against the feeds specified in the Feeds > Feed elements. For each specified feed, matching rules are set with one or more Field elements. Each Field element describes how a particular field in the feed must match the data from incoming events.

The following is an example of a Field element:

<Field name="mask" matching_type="Url" input_regexp_to_match="RE_URL" category="KL_BotnetCnC_URL" />

The Field element must have the following attributes:

All the attributes of the Field element are required.

The following is an example of the feed matching rules for a specific feed:

<Feed filename="Botnet_CnC_URL_Data_Feed.json">

<Field name="mask" matching_type="Url" input_regexp_to_match="RE_URL" category="KL_BotnetCnC_URL" />

<Field name="files/MD5" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_MD5" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_MD5" />

<Field name="files/SHA1" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_SHA1" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA1" />

<Field name="files/SHA256" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_SHA256" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA256" />


The following is an example of the feed matching rules for a specific feed for ArcSight:

<Feed filename="Botnet_CnC_URL_Data_Feed.json">

<Field name="mask" matching_type="Url" input_regexp_to_match="RE_URL" category="KL_BotnetCnC_URL" />

<Field name="files/MD5" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_HASH" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_MD5" />

<Field name="files/SHA1" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_HASH" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA1" />

<Field name="files/SHA256" matching_type="Hash" input_regexp_to_match="RE_HASH" category="KL_BotnetCnC_Hash_SHA256" />


If you have events that contain the event source IP address, we recommend that you check them against IP Reputation Data Feed. This must be done because the event source may be a bot or a malicious device of some other kind that takes part in a DoS attack on the user resources. To check such events against IP Reputation Data Feed, add an SRC_IP regular expression to find the event source IP addresses. Also, add a rule for IP Reputation Data Feed to use the SRC_IP regular expression, so that the configuration file will contain the following records:

<Feed filename="IP_Reputation_Data_Feed.json">

<Field name="ip" matching_type="Exact" input_regexp_to_match="RE_IP" category="KL_IP_Reputation" />

<Field name="ip" matching_type="Exact" input_regexp_to_match="SRC_IP" category="KL_IP_Reputation" />


Also, add the reference to the value found by the SRC_IP regular expression (%SRC_IP%) to the OutputSettings > EventFormat element.

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