Recommendations on using Log Scanner

We recommend that you use Feed Service together with Log Scanner in the following cases:

Configuring Feed Service and Log Scanner

Feed Service and Log Scanner must interact correctly, so their corresponding parameters must be set according to each other as follows:

Configuration files examples

The following is an excerpt from a sample Feed Service configuration file.




<!-- You can use them in the OutputSettings->EventFormat string with the pattern %REGEXPNAME% -->








<ConnectionString></ConnectionString> <!-- <ip>:<port>. Threat Feed Service listens for <ip>:<port>. <port> must be available -->



<Feeds per_scan_detect_limit="10000">...</Feeds>









<ScannersCount>9</ScannersCount> <!-- 1 tcp connection = 1 scanner -->



The following is an excerpt from a Log Scanner configuration file that corresponds to the Feed Service configuration file provided above.




<Pattern>ip=%IP% md5=%MD5% sha1=%SHA1% sha256=%SHA256% url=%URL%</Pattern>



When using these configuration files, Log Scanner sends the requests to the IP address and port 9999, and Feed Service listens on port 9999 for data to check. Both Log Scanner and Feed Service use up to 8 threads for transferring and processing data, and one thread is used by the watchdog module (in LInux) or watchdog service (in Windows). If correct URLs, IP addresses, and hashes are sent to Feed Service for checking, they will be successfully parsed by using the regular expressions specified in the Feed Service configuration file.

Managing check results

After data is checked by Feed Service, you can either send the check results to event target software or save them to a file:

Report example

The report content depends on the value of the OutputSettings > EventFormat element of the Feed Service configuration file.

The following is an example of a report sent by Feed Service to Log Scanner.

- KL_Data_Feed_Service_v1 LEEF:1.0|Kaspersky Lab|SIEM Service|1.0|KL_Malicious_URL|| IP=,,,,,,,,, first_seen=11.01.2016 07:17 geo=ru, ua, kz, by, de, ro, az, cz, uz, md id=9491494 last_seen=14.01.2016 13:36* popularity=5 type=21

Total number of objects sent to KTFS: 1

Total number of detects received from KTFS: 1

Total scan time: 00:00:01.032

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