About the configuration file (Feed Service)

Feed Service reads settings from a configuration file.

Editing the configuration file

If the configuration file is absent or does not follow the rules specified in this section, Feed Service does not start and prints an error message.

To avoid potential issues, make a backup copy of the Feed Service configuration file before you make any changes in the file. If Kaspersky CyberTrace does not work properly after you have reconfigured Feed Service, replace the configuration file with its backup copy.

Applying changes made to the configuration file

You have to reload the configuration file or restart Feed Service after you edit the configuration file for the changes to take effect. If you edit the configuration file by using CyberTrace Web, this reloading or restarting is not necessary.

You can apply changes made to certain elements of the configuration file by reloading the configuration file but without restarting Feed Service.

These elements include:

To reload the configuration file without restarting Feed Service,

Run the script for managing Feed Service with the reloadconfig option.

To apply changes made to other elements of the configuration file, you have to restart Feed Service.

To restart Feed Service,

Run the script for managing Feed Service with the restart option.

Case sensitivity

All the names used in the configuration file (for example, pattern names or feed fields) are case-sensitive.

Configuration file location (Linux)

In Linux, the configuration file used by Feed Service can be specified in the following ways:

Configuration file location (Windows)

The configuration file used by Feed Service is named kl_feed_service.conf and resides in the same directory as the Feed Service binary file.

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