Uninstalling Kaspersky CyberTrace (Linux)

This section contains the uninstallation procedures for Kaspersky CyberTrace on Linux. After you have performed uninstallation, remove objects related to Kaspersky CyberTrace from your SIEM solution.

Uninstalling (RPM and DEB installation)

Following is the procedure for uninstalling Kaspersky CyberTrace installed by using the DEB or RPM installation package.

To uninstall Kaspersky CyberTrace:

  1. Run the following command::

    %service_dir%/run.sh remove

  2. Follow the Wizard instructions.

Uninstalling (.tgz installation)

Following is the procedure for uninstalling Kaspersky CyberTrace installed from the .tgz archive.

To uninstall Kaspersky CyberTrace:

  1. Remove entries for Feed Service from crontab.
  2. Stop Feed Service by running the following command:

    %service_dir%/etc/init.d/kl_feed_service stop

  3. Remove the /etc/init.d/kl_feed_service and /etc/kl_feed_service.conf symbolic links.
  4. Remove the %service_dir% directory together with its contents.
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