Viewing tasks

To keep you informed about the current status and usage of Kaspersky CyberTrace, starting with version 4.0, Kaspersky CyberTrace provides you with information about running tasks.

In Kaspersky CyberTrace, there are two types of tasks:

As a user without administrator rights, you can see the tasks that you have launched.

As Administrator, you can see all tasks launched by all users, as well as scheduled background tasks. You can identify the type of a task by looking at its Name property: For scheduled background tasks, CyberTrace is displayed.

As Administrator, you have access to the following information about scheduled background tasks:

Kaspersky CyberTrace displays running tasks and finished tasks separately, and you can switch between them by using the Running / Finished element at the top of the page.

Each task in the list includes the following information:

You can sort the list by clicking the column headers.

Kaspersky CyberTrace updates the list every second and stores information about each task for seven days.

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