Filtering indicators by tags

You can filter indicators by tags in the Indicators section of Kaspersky CyberTrace Web.

To filter indicators by tag:

  1. Click the Tag column heading.

    The filter form opens.

  2. Check the tags assigned to indicators that you want to see. You can use multiple choice.
  3. Click OK.

Kaspersky CyberTrace will only show indicators that contain all of the specified tags.

Filtering indicators by total tag weight

Each tag has its own weight from 0 to 5. If several tags are assigned to an indicator, their weight is summed up. You can filter indicators based on their total tag weight.

To filter indicators by total tag weight:

  1. Click the Total tag weight column heading.

    The filter form opens.

  2. Specify the minimum and maximum tag weight.
  3. Click Apply.
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