You can install Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility on separate computers. This allows you to isolate the computer, on which event data is matched against feeds, from the internet.
Do not delete the dmz
directory from the distribution kit of Kaspersky CyberTrace, even if you are not going to use Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility on separate computers.
You can install Feed Utility on a Windows computer. For this you must have the distribution package for Windows, which also contains instructions on how to perform the installation.
How Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility work in the DMZ
The following diagram describes how Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility work in the DMZ.
Workflow when Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility are installed on separate computers
Kaspersky CyberTrace limitations when operating in an isolated environment
Since Kaspersky CyberTrace will be running on a host without direct internet access, the following Kaspersky CyberTrace operation limitations will apply:
Installing Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility on separate computers
The following procedure describes how to configure the DMZ host and the local host for installing Kaspersky CyberTrace Service on one computer (in this section, referred to as local) and Feed Utility on another computer (in this section, referred to as DMZ).
Configuring a DMZ host
To configure a DMZ host, do the following:
These settings will be used for the local host.
Also, add the PEM-formatted certificate for configuring Kaspersky feeds that will be used. It is not necessary to add the Kaspersky CyberTrace license key on the DMZ host, since the Community edition allows the configuration of all supported feed types. Adding a license key is obligatory on the local host.
Ensure that the feeds are configured correctly by running a feeds update in Kaspersky CyberTrace at least once.
If custom feeds had been earlier configured in Kaspersky CyberTrace, also save the httpsrv/etc/custom_feed_list.conf
file for further use.
directory to a location other than the %service_dir%
directory (for example, to the /opt
or /usr/local/etc
directory). Hereafter, the path to this directory will be referred as %dmz_fu%
If you have to add new feeds, install Kaspersky CyberTrace on the DMZ host again.
and Settings
from the exported kl_feed_util.conf
file (see Step 4) to the %dmz_fu%/kl_feed_util.conf
(if the section is present in the target configuration file, replace this section).Do not remove the instance of the kl_feed_util.conf
file exported from Kaspersky CyberTrace, as well as the kl_feed_service.conf
. These files will be used on local host.
in the Settings
tag of the %dmz_fu%/kl_feed_util.conf
in the Settings/WorkDir
of the %dmz_fu%/kl_feed_util.conf
file. %dmz_fu%/
to the list of the cron tasks.The
script enables downloading feeds on the DMZ host.
For example, specify the following line in the cron configuration file:
*/30 * * * * %dmz_fu%/
In the example above, the
script runs once in 30 minutes. You can set your own schedule to run the script.
Make sure that a cron user has access for running the %dmz_fu%/
Configuring a local host
To configure a local host, do the following:
systemctl stop cybertrace.service
file.This action disables the initial configuration wizard, since configuration was previously completed on the DMZ host.
and %service_dir%/etc/kl_feed_service.conf
files with the files that were obtained in Step 4 of section "Configuring a DMZ host".If custom feeds had been earlier configured in Kaspersky CyberTrace, replace or add (if the file was not present) the httpsrv/etc/custom_feed_list.conf
file and specify the following parameters:<NotifyKTFS path="../bin">true</NotifyKTFS>
Set 0
in the update_frequency
attribute.This customization is applied, since the feeds files loaded on the DMZ host will be periodically synchronized by cron, not Kaspersky CyberTrace.
file to feeds.pem.0
to avoid incorrect feeds updating when clicking the Launch update now button.You will need to rename this file back to feeds.pem
for upgrading Kaspersky CyberTrace from a previous version.
file, and specify the following:RSYNC_USER
(user name on the DMZ host for authorization).RSYNC_HOST
(host name/IP address of the DMZ host).PATH_TO_FEEDS
(path to the %dmz_fu%/download
directory on the DMZ host).DOWNLOAD_DIR
(make sure that you specified the same RSA key file path as described in Step 1 of section "Synchronizing directories that contain feeds").%service_dir%/scripts/
to the list of the cron tasks.The
script starts synchronizing the feeds files from the DMZ host. The example below shows that the
file is launched once in 30 minutes and is started with five-minute delay relative to the script on the DMZ host:
5-59/30 * * * * /opt/kaspersky/ktfs/scripts/
You can set your own schedule to run the script.
Make sure that the cron user has access for running the %service_dir%/scripts/
Run the systemctl start cybertrace.service
for the Update frequency
parameter.Changing feed settings after installing Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility on separate computers
Since the DMZ host is only for feeds downloading, you can configure the below settings for the previously enabled feeds in Kaspersky CyberTrace on the local host. You can change the following feeds parameters:
value (except for Kaspersky feeds)You can also disable any feed that had been enabled before (in this case, the disabled feeds will continue to be downloaded on the DMZ host and transferred to the local host, until you disable them in %dmz_fu%/kl_feed_util.conf
You can configure the proxy server settings directly in the %dmz_fu%/kl_feed_util.conf
file on the DMZ host.
If necessary, you can add a new feed as described below.
If any feed had been previously disabled on the local host, the actions below will stop the download of this feed on the DMZ host.
To add a new feed, do the following:
If custom feeds had been earlier configured in Kaspersky CyberTrace, also save the httpsrv/etc/custom_feed_list.conf
file for further use.
Run the systemctl stop cybertrace.service
If you did not remove Kaspersky CyberTrace on the DMZ host during initial setup, skip this step.
Run the systemctl stop cybertrace.service
file.If you did not remove Kaspersky CyberTrace on the DMZ host during initial setup, skip this step.
and %service_dir%/etc/kl_feed_util.conf
files with the files exported from the local host in Step 1 above.If custom feeds had been earlier configured in Kaspersky CyberTrace, also replace or add (if the file was not present) the httpsrv/etc/custom_feed_list.conf
Specify the proper Configuration
to open Kaspersky CyberTrace Web in a browser.
Run the systemctl start cybertrace.service
of the %service_dir%/etc/kl_feed_service.conf
file.Ensure that the feed is configured correctly by running a feeds update in Kaspersky CyberTrace at least once.
If custom feeds had been earlier configured in Kaspersky CyberTrace, also save the httpsrv/etc/custom_feed_list.conf
file for further use.
and Settings
from the kl_feed_util.conf
exported file to the %dmz_fu%/kl_feed_util.conf
file.Do not remove the instance of the kl_feed_util.conf
file exported from Kaspersky CyberTrace, as well as the kl_feed_service.conf
. These files will be also used on the local host.
and %service_dir%/etc/kl_feed_util.conf
files with the files exported from the DMZ host.If custom feeds had been earlier configured in Kaspersky CyberTrace, also replace or add (if the file was not present) the httpsrv/etc/custom_feed_list.conf
Specify a proper Configuration
to open Kaspersky CyberTrace Web in browser.
Run the systemctl start cybertrace.service
, open Kaspersky CyberTrace Web and make sure that the Settings>Feeds page contains the new feed, and its settings are similar to settings on the DMZ host. Also, make sure that all other feeds are configured correctly. Never
in the Update frequency
parameter.Synchronizing directories that contain feeds
For synchronizing feeds on both the local and DMZ hosts, you can use the RSync utility.
If the DMZ host is a Windows computer, the RSync utility can be run by using Cygwin. See how to install Cygwin in section "Separate installation of Kaspersky CyberTrace Service and Feed Utility (Windows)".
To configure synchronization on the DMZ host:
You can answer "Yes"
every time. The main point is to run the sshd daemon as a service.
net start sshd
The sshd daemon will start automatically.
To configure synchronization on the local host:
For this purpose, run the following command on the local host:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N '' -f /home/<user>/.ssh/dmz_rsa_key
Specify the user login instead of <user>
. The keys will be created without a password.
ssh-copy-id -i /home/<user>/.ssh/dmz_rsa_key <DMZ_user>@<DMZ_host>
When you run this command, you will be asked for the password to <DMZ_user>@<DMZ_host>
rsync -a --delete-before --delay-updates -e "ssh -i /home/<user>/.ssh/dmz_rsa_key" <DMZ_user>@<DMZ_host>:/<Path_to_feeds>/ /<Path_to_feeds_on_Local>/
In this command, <Path_to_feeds_on_Local>
is the path to the directory containing feeds on the local host (namely, %service_dir%/feeds
), and <Path_to_feeds>
is the path to the directory on which updated feeds are stored on the DMZ host.
To pass the synchronization test, the contents of the <Path_to_feeds_on_Local>
directory on the local host must be the same as the contents of the <Path_to_feeds>
directory on the DMZ host.
Upgrading Kaspersky CyberTrace from a previous version
Before upgrading, if you had previously renamed the feeds.pem
file to feeds.pem.0
, rename it back to feeds.pem
To upgrade Kaspersky CyberTrace and Feed Utility to newer versions, do the following:
directory on the local host, move the kl_feed_util
file to %dmz_fu%
on the DMZ host.%service_dir%/dmz/feeds.pem
file to feeds.pem.0
to avoid incorrect feeds updating when clicking the Launch update now button.