You can manage Kaspersky CyberTrace Service by using systemd.
You can use all standard systemd commands to manage Kaspersky CyberTrace Service.
Checking the service status
To check the status of Kaspersky CyberTrace Service, use the following command:
systemctl status cybertrace.service
Starting, stopping, restarting the service
To start Kaspersky CyberTrace Service, use the following command:
systemctl start cybertrace.service
Kaspersky CyberTrace Service begins to receive events only after it has loaded the feeds into memory and has sent the KL_ALERT_ServiceStarted event.
To stop Kaspersky CyberTrace Service, use the following command:
systemctl stop cybertrace.service
To restart Kaspersky CyberTrace Service, use the following command:
systemctl restart cybertrace.service
Adding and removing the service from the list of services loaded on boot
By default, Kaspersky CyberTrace Service is loaded on boot. You can change this behavior with the following commands.
To add Kaspersky CyberTrace Service to the list of services loaded on boot, use the following command:
systemctl enable cybertrace.service
To remove Kaspersky CyberTrace Service from the list of services loaded on boot, use the following command:
systemctl disable cybertrace.service