Retrospective scan settings

Kaspersky CyberTrace allows you to save events potentially containing undetected indicators, perform a retrospective scan of these events according to the indicators from the updated feeds, and then view retrospective scan results. This section explains how to configure Kaspersky CyberTrace for using the retrospective scan.

The Retrospective scanning tab allows you to do the following:

Recommendations on retrospective scan settings

Retrospective scan is a resource-consuming functionality that may take a long time when checking huge amounts of data. For more efficient use of retrospective scan without looking up indicators for all incoming events, we recommend to single out the events that will be retrospectively scanned to the separate event source.

To add a source for retrospective scan:

  1. On the Settings>Matching tab, click Add new event source.
  2. Add a regular expression to single out an event (for example, for Syslog message format it could be ^\<d+\>.*$).
  3. Click Next.

    The window with properties of the newly added source appears.

  4. On the Regular expressions tab, add indicator types that may come from this source.
  5. Set the rule name typical for this source and indicator type (for example, RE_IP_NEW_SIEM).

    For regular expressions for various event sources, see the "Regular expressions for popular event sources" section.

  6. Click OK to make sure that the new source is successfully added.
  7. Go to Settings>Retroscan, and then select the Fields saved for retroscan tab.
  8. Enable only those sources and their regular expressions that are necessary for retrospective scan.
  9. Save changes.

Service alerts related to retrospective scan

Kaspersky CyberTrace generates the following service alerts to inform you about retrospective scan process:

For details about the above alerts, see the "Alert events sent by Kaspersky CyberTrace" section.

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