Kaspersky CyberTrace users can categorize and prioritize indicators of threat with tags.
To manage tags:
Navigate to the Settings page.
Open the Tags tab.
Tags in the Tags tab are sorted from most important to least important. Within each weight group, tags are sorted alphabetically.
Adding a tag
To add a new tag:
Click Add new tag.
In the Add new tag dialog that opens:
Specify the tag name. The tag name must be 1 to 128 characters long. It can contain Latin letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). You cannot use the name of an existing tag for the new tag (case is ignored when comparing tag names).
Select the tag weight.
Click Add.
The new tag appears in the list of tags.
In the names of the tags, letters are converted to uppercase.
Editing a tag
To edit a tag:
In the list of tags, click the tag that you want to edit.
In the Edit tag dialog that opens:
Specify the new tag name, if necessary. You cannot use the name of an existing tag for the new tag name (case is ignored when comparing tag names).
Select the tag weight.
Click Save.
Searching for tags
To search for tags by their name,
In the search box, enter the substring to search in the names of the tags.
The tag search is case-insensitive.
Deleting a tag
To delete a tag:
Click the tag in the list.
In the Edit tag dialog that opens, click the Delete button.
If the tag is assigned to indicators, Kaspersky CyberTrace removes the tag from those indicators.