Uninstall the application in silent mode

You can uninstall Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business in silent mode from the command prompt.

To uninstall the application in silent mode:

  1. Start the command prompt.
  2. Enter <full path to the installation file on your computer> msiexec /uninstall anti_ransom_installer.msi /quiet

    The parameters have the following meanings:

    • /quiet – enable silent mode.
    • /uninstall – start uninstallation of the application.
  3. Wait for the uninstallation of Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business to complete.

The application will be completely uninstalled after you restart the computer.

The table below describes specific settings intended for internal use at Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab does not guarantee correct installation and operation of the application if you modify the default values of these settings.



Default value


Reboot the computer after the application is uninstalled.

The computer reboots


Reboot the computer after the application is uninstalled.

Not set


Reboot the computer after the application is uninstalled.

Not set

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