Replacing the server certificate

After creating a new certificate, you must reauthorize the mail sensors, connect Central Node, PCN, or SCN to Sandbox, upload the new certificate to Active Directory, and restart the Endpoint Sensors components service.

You can create a new certificate through the program web interface or upload a previously created certificate.

If you are using the distributed solution and multitenancy mode, use the web interface of the PCN or SCN server for which you want to configure parameters.

To create a new server certificate:

  1. In the window of the program web interface, select the Settings section, General settings subsection.
  2. In the Certificate fingerprint settings group, click the Generate new button.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

The new certificate of the server will be created. Communication with the mail sensors and the Sandbox component will be interrupted until reauthorization.

Use the web interface of the PCN or SCN server to which you want to upload the certificate.

To upload a previously created certificate:

  1. In the window of the program web interface, select the Settings section, General settings subsection.
  2. In the Certificate fingerprint settings group, click the Upload button.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

The certificate will be uploaded. Communication with the mail sensors and the Sandbox component will be interrupted until reauthorization.

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