Saving a layout to PDF

To save a layout to PDF:

  1. Select the Dashboard section in the program web interface window.
  2. In the upper part of the window, click the Apt_icon_dashboard_menu button.
  3. In the drop-down list, select Save as PDF.

    This opens the Saving as PDF window.

  4. In the lower part of the window, in the Layout drop-down list, select the page orientation.
  5. Click the Download button.

    The layout in PDF format will be saved to the hard drive of your computer in the downloads folder of the browser.

  6. Click the Close button.

See also

Monitoring program operation

About widgets and layouts

Adding a widget to the current layout

Moving a widget in the current layout

Removing a widget from the current layout

Configuring the period for displaying data in widgets

Configuring the widget display size

Main principles of working with "Alerts" widgets

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