The table of prevention rules is in the Prevention section of the program web interface window.
The table contains the following information:
Type—Type of prevention rule. Prevention rules can have the following types:
Global—Created on the PCN. These prevention rules apply to hosts that are connected to this PCN server and to all SCN servers that are connected to this PCN server. Prevention rules belong to the organization for which the user is working in the program web interface.
Local—Created on the SCN server. These prevention rules apply only to hosts that are connected to this SCN server. Prevention rules belong to the organization for which the user is working in the program web interface (if you are using distributed solution and multitenancy mode).
Name is the name of the prevention rule.
Servers refer to the names of the servers with the PCN or SCN role to which the prevention rule is applied (if you are using distributed solution and multitenancy mode).
Operation mode in which the program can be used to protect the infrastructure of several organizations simultaneously.
Two-level hierarchy of servers with Central Node components installed. This hierarchy allocates a master control server (Primary Central Node (PCN)) and slave servers (Secondary Central Nodes (SCN)).