At this step, you can configure Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform integration with a proxy server in your company, using ICAP.
If you use a separate proxy server, by default, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform does not encrypt ICAP traffic or authenticate ICAP clients. The application administrator must independently ensure a secure network connection between your proxy server and Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform by using traffic tunneling or iptables.
To give up Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform integration with a proxy server:
In the Enable ICAP processing window, click No.
The Setup Wizard proceeds to the next step.
To enable Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform integration with a proxy server:
This opens a window showing the URI of the server on which you are installing Central Node.
Use this URI to configure integration with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform via ICAP on a proxy server in your company.
The Setup Wizard proceeds to the next step.