Configuring information to be saved to a local reputation database of KPSN

The program can save information about Sandbox component alerts to the local reputation database of KPSN. In this case, the Untrusted status is assigned to objects. Data of local reputation databases is available only to corporate LAN computers.

To configure the saving of information about alerts to the local reputation database of KPSN:

  1. Log in to the program web interface under the senior security officer account.
  2. Select the Settings section, KPSN rules subsection.
  3. In the Alert importance settings group, select the check boxes depending on the importance level of alerts whose information you want to save in the local reputation database of KPSN.
  4. Click the Save button.

Information about alerts of the selected importance level will be saved in the local reputation database of KPSN.

See also

Viewing the KSN Statement and configuring participation in KSN

Enabling the use of KPSN

Configuring a connection to a local reputation database of KPSN

Declining participation in KSN and use of KPSN

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