Viewing the table of events

The events table is displayed in the Threat Hunting section of the program web interface window after completion of the search for threats in the events database.

Events are grouped by hosts of the selected servers and organizations. The table of events contains the following information:

  1. Event time—Date and time when the event was detected.
  2. Event—Type of event.
  3. Details—Information about the event.
  4. User name—Name of the user.

Each type of event has its own type of cell value in the Details column of the events table (see the table below).

Correspondence of the types of cell values in the Event and Details columns



Process started

Name of the process file that was started. SHA256- and MD5 hash.

Module loaded

Name of the dynamic library that was loaded. SHA256- and MD5 hash.

Remote connection

URL to which a remote connection attempt was made. Name of the file that attempted to establish a remote connection.

Prevention rule

Name of the file of the application that was blocked from starting. SHA256- and MD5 hash.

Document blocked

Name of the document that was blocked from starting. SHA256- and MD5 hash.

File created

Name of the created file. SHA256- and MD5 hash.

Windows Log event

Windows event logging channel. Event type ID.

Registry modified

Name of key in registry. <name of the variable in the key>=<value of the variable>.

Port listened

Server address and port. Name of the file of the process that listens to the port.

Driver loaded

File name of the driver that has been loaded. SHA256- and MD5 hash.

Host name changed

Old host name. New host name.

Clicking the link with the name of the event type, data, additional information and user name opens a list in which you can select the action to perform on the object. Depending on the type of value of the cell, you can perform one of the following actions:

See also

Event information

Viewing information about an event

Information about process startup

Information about module loading

Information about a remote connection

Information about prevention rule triggering

Information about document blocking

Information about file creation

Information about an event in the Windows log

Information about changes in the registry

Information about port listening

Information about driver loading

Information about changing a host name

Information about the alert

Information about alert processing results

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