About managing network isolation in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

You can manage network isolation using Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, using the Central Node component interface, or through the command line interface on the protected device. Information on managing network isolation by all these methods is shown in the next table.

Managing network isolation

Management interface



Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console

The settings of automatic network isolation are configured in the policy properties, and the settings of network isolation on demand (manually enabled settings) are configured in the properties of an individual device.

Manual enabling and disabling network isolation for a group of device in a policy is not available.

Command line

Network isolation cannot be enabled or disabled and its setting cannot be configured through the command line interface.

Central Node component

Network isolation management using the Central Node component is described separately.

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent retains network isolation settings received from the Central Node component in the device properties in Kaspersky Security Center.

See also

About network isolation in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Enabling and disabling network isolation

Enabling and disabling user notification about network isolation

Configuring automatic disabling of network isolation

Configuring exclusions from network isolation

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