API for scanning objects of external systems

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform provides the HTTPS REST interface for scanning objects saved in external systems.

Working with a cluster

If the external system consists of several servers that are combined into a cluster, it is recommended to use one ID (sensorId) for all servers. If this is the case, a single integration request will be displayed for the entire system in the web interface of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform. If it is necessary to differentiate the receipt of scan results over individual servers, you can assign a unique instance ID (sensorInstanceId) to each server.


The maximum allowed number of object scan requests from external systems and the maximum allowed size of a scanned object are set in the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform configuration file.

If the maximum allowed number of simultaneous object scan requests is exceeded, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform does not process further requests until the number of object scan requests is less than the maximum allowed number. Until this condition is met, the return code 429 is issued. You must try the scan request again later.

If the maximum allowed object size is exceeded, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform does not scan the object. Return code 413 is generated when the HTTP POST method is created. You can find out the maximum allowed size of an object by using the GET method to view the list of object scan restrictions.

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