Enabling options in the policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux

To enable settings in a policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux using Kaspersky Security Center Web Console:

  1. Log in to the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.
  2. On the Devices tab, select Policies & Profiles.
  3. Click a previously created Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy.

    This opens the policy settings window.

  4. Select the Application settings section.
    1. Select the Other settings subsection.
    2. Select one of the following options for using a proxy server:
      • Do not use proxy server.
      • Use proxy server with specified settings.

      If you selected Use proxy server with specified settings, in the Server name or IP address and Port, enter the address an port of the proxy server to which you want to connect. Port 8080 is used by default.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux does not encrypt the connection with the proxy server. You must take steps to make sure the network connection between your proxy server and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux is secure.

      If you want to use NTLM authentication when connecting to the proxy server:

      1. Select the Use NTLM authentication by user name and password.
      2. In the User name field, enter the name of the user whose account will be used for authorization at the proxy server.
      3. In the Password field, enter the password to obtain connection to the proxy server.

      To reveal password characters, click Show to the right of the Password field.

      If you do not want to use the proxy server for addresses internal to the organization, select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box.

      If you are configuring policy settings, in the upper right corner of the group of settings, move the toggle switch from Undefined to Enforce.

    3. Click OK.
  5. In the KATA integration section:
    1. Go to the General Settings subsection.
    2. In the Data transmission settings group, move the Enforce toggle switch to active.
    3. In the Event transmission period (sec.) field, type 30.
    4. In the Event limit per one package, type 1024.
    5. In the Throttling settings group, select the Enable throttling check box.
    6. Enter the maximum number of events per hour and the percentage value for events exceeding the limit.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Go to the KATA integration settings subsection.
    9. In the Connection settings group, move the Enforce toggle switch to active.
    10. Select the Enable KATA integration check box.
    11. Enter the address and port of the KATA server in the Server and Port fields.
    12. Select the Use pinned certificate to secure connection check box.
    13. Click Add new TLS certificate.
    14. In the opened tab, click Upload and select the server certificate file to set up a secure connection or enter certificate data in the TLS certificate data field.
    15. Click OK.
    16. In the Additional security of the connection group, select the Secure with client certificate check box.
    17. Click Upload cryptographic container and select a client certificate file to set up a secure connection.
    18. In the Cryptographic container password field, enter the password of the client certificate to set up a secure connection.
    19. In the Advanced group:
      1. In the Send sync request to KATA server every (min.) field, enter the synchronization interval in minutes.
      2. Select the Apply TTL period for events transmission.
      3. In the TTL period (min.) field, enter the interval for sending synchronization requests.
    20. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.

Policy settings required by Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux are enabled.

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