Creating a rule for sending notifications about the maximum disk space usage on the server

To create a rule for sending notifications about the maximum disk space usage on the server:

  1. In the main window of the program web interface, select the Settings tab, Notification rules section.
  2. Click the Add button.

    The New notification rule window opens.

  3. In the To field, specify one or more email addresses to which you want to send notifications.

    You can enter several email addresses if you separate them with commas.

  4. In the Subject field, specify the subject of the message containing the notification.
  5. If you want the program to indicate the alert importance in the message subject, add the %importance% macro into the Subject field.
  6. In the Components settings group, select the check box next to the Disk space fill setting.
  7. Click the Add button.

The rule for sending notifications about the maximum disk space usage on the server will be added to the list of rules.

Users with the Senior security officer or Security officer role can also create rules for sending notifications. In this case, to ensure that notifications are correctly sent, you must preconfigure the maximum value for server disk space usage and the server settings for sending notifications.

See also

Scenario for configuring notifications about server disk space usage

Configuring the maximum permissible value for server disk space usage

Configuring the mail server connection

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