Disconnecting an SCN from PCN

The SCN can be disconnected from the PCN unilaterally.

If you disconnect an SCN using the SCN web interface, changed settings are only applied to the SCN. The PCN continues to display information about that server.

If you disconnect the SCN using the PCN web interface, information about that server is deleted at the PCN. However, the server with the SCN role will keep trying to connect to the PCN to synchronize settings.

To complete a bilateral disconnect, you must follow both instructions presented below. In this case, the SCN keeps working as a standalone Central Node server, and information about the disconnected SCN is displayed on the PCN.

The administrator of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is responsible for the confidentiality of data on PCN, SCN, and Central Node servers. If you plan to move an SCN server from one organization to another, delete all data remaining on the server after using Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform and reinstall Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform before handing over the server to the different organization.

To disconnect the SCN from the PCN through the PCN web interface:

  1. Log in to the program web interface with the administrator account.

    Log in to the web interface of the PCN server that you want to disconnect the SCN from.

  2. Select the Operation mode section in the window of the program web interface.
  3. In the server list, select the SCN that you want to disconnect.
  4. Click Disconnect.

    This opens the action confirmation window.

  5. Click Yes.

The SCN will attempt to connect to the PCN to synchronize settings.

To disconnecting the SCN from the PCN through the SCN web interface:

  1. Log in to the program web interface with the administrator account.

    Log in to the web interface of the SCN server that you want to disconnect from the PCN.

  2. Select the Operation mode section in the window of the program web interface.
  3. Click Disconnect.

    This opens the action confirmation window.

  4. Click Yes.

The SCN is disconnected from the PCN and continues working as a standalone Central Node server.

See also

Distributed mode and multitenancy transition scenario

Modifications of program settings for distributed solution mode and multitenancy

Assigning the PCN role to a server

Assigning the SCN role to a server

Processing SCN to PCN connection requests

Viewing information about organizations, PCN and SCN servers

Adding an organization to the PCN server

Removing an organization from the PCN server

Renaming an organization on the PCN server

Modifications of program settings for disconnecting an SCN from PCN

Decommissioning an SCN server

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