At this step, you can configure Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform integration with a proxy server in your company, using ICAP.
If you use a separate proxy server, by default, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform does not encrypt ICAP traffic or authenticate ICAP clients. The program administrator must independently ensure a secure network connection between your proxy server and Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform by using traffic tunneling or iptables.
To turn off the integration of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform with a proxy server:
In the Enable ICAP processing window, click No.
The Setup Wizard proceeds to the next step.
To enable the integration of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform with a proxy server:
This opens a window showing the URI of the server on which you are installing Central Node.
Use this URI to configure integration with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform via ICAP on a proxy server in your company.
The Setup Wizard proceeds to the next step.