Selecting network protocols for receiving mirrored traffic from SPAN ports

To select network protocols for receiving mirrored traffic from SPAN ports:

  1. In the Select action window, select Setup capture protocols and press ENTER.

    This opens a window for selecting network protocols.

    • dns
    • ftp
    • http
    • smtp

    By default, receipt of mirrored traffic from SPAN ports is enabled for all network protocols. The value on is displayed to the right of the names of the network protocols.

  2. If you want to disable the receipt of mirrored traffic from SPAN ports for a particular protocol, select the protocol and press ENTER.


    If you configured the integration with a mail server via SMTP, all SMTP traffic of your company passes through that mail server and you do not need to additionally scan SMTP traffic on the proxy server; you can disable the receipt of mirrored traffic from SPAN ports over SMTP.

    Receipt of mirrored traffic from SPAN ports over the selected protocol is disabled. The value off is displayed to the right of the name of the network interface.

  3. If you want to disable the receipt of mirrored traffic from SPAN ports over other protocols or re-enable the receipt of mirrored traffic, repeat the step.
  4. Select Go Back and press ENTER.

See also

Step 17. Configuring receipt of mirrored traffic from SPAN ports

Selecting network interfaces for receiving mirrored traffic from SPAN ports

Configuring the transmission of HTTP traffic details for IDS alerts

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