Obtaining information about Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux for Technical Support

After you report a problem to Kaspersky Technical Support, they may ask you to generate a report with information about the operating system and send it to Kaspersky Technical Support. Kaspersky Technical Support may also ask you to create a trace file. The trace file allows you to trace the process of performing program commands step by step and determine the stage of program operation at which an error occurs.

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent enables system event audit using Linux Audit Daemon and sets up audit rules for itself. When the program is removed, audit rules configured by it are also removed. This does not stop Linux Audit Daemon.

To provide support more effectively in case of questions about the operation of the program, Technical Support staff can ask you to temporarily modify program settings during diagnostics to make debugging easier. To do so, you may have to:

Technical Support staff will provide all the information needed to perform these operations (description of the sequence of steps, settings to be modified, configuration files, scripts, additional command line functionality, debugging modules, special-purpose utilities, and other resources) and inform you about the scope of data obtained for debugging purposes. The retrieved diagnostic information is saved on the user's computer. The retrieved data is not automatically sent to Kaspersky.

The operations listed above should be performed only when instructed by and under the supervision of Technical Support experts. Unsupervised changes to program settings performed in ways other than those described in the Help or according to the instructions of Technical Support experts can slow down or crash the operating system, reduce computer security, or compromise the availability and integrity of data being processed.

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