Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent authentication

ONLY_FOR_CONTEXT_HELP:This section provides information about Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Windows. This information may be partially or wholly inapplicable to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux. For complete information about Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux, see the online help of the solution in which you are using the program: Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform or Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

To manage program authentication through the command line interface:

  1. On the device, run the command line interpreter (for example, Command Prompt cmd.exe) as the local administrator.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the folder that contains the agent.exe file.

    For example, you can enter the command: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Endpoint Agent\" and press Enter.

  3. Enter the following command and press Enter:

    agent.exe --proxy={enable|disable|show} --mode={auto|custom} --server=<proxy_server_address> --port=<port_number> --use-auth={yes|no} --proxy-user=<user_name> --proxy-password=<user_password> --bypass-local={yes|no}

Authentication parameters are described in the following table.

Parameters of the authentication command.




Required parameter.

This parameter controls the proxy server connection.
The following values are possible:

enable enables the proxy server.

disable disables the proxy server.

show displays the current setting of the proxy server.


Required parameter.

This parameter sets the proxy server configuration mode.
The following values are possible:

auto to detect the proxy server automatically.

custom to configure proxy server access settings manually.


Required parameter.

This parameter specifies the address of the proxy server.


Required parameter.

This parameter specifies the connection port of the proxy server.


Optional parameter.

This parameter turns on authentication on the proxy server.
The following values are possible:

yes means you must specify a user name and a password to connect to the proxy server.

no means you can connect to the proxy server without a user name or password. Used by default.


Optional parameter.

This parameter specifies the user name for the proxy server connection. The default value is empty.


Optional parameter.

This parameter specifies the password for the proxy server connection. The default value is empty.


Optional parameter.

This parameter enables direct connection to local addresses without a proxy server.
Possible values:

yes to connect to addresses on the current LAN without a proxy server. Used by default.

no to connect to addresses on the current LAN and external addresses through a proxy server.

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