Creating a request for connection to Sandbox in the Central Node administrator menu

To create a connection between the Central Node and Sandbox components, you should send a request for connection to the Sandbox component from each Central Node component.

To create a request for connection to the Sandbox component:

  1. Log in to the console of the Central Node server, from which you want to create a request for connection to Sandbox, via the SSH protocol or through a terminal.
  2. In response to the system prompt, enter the admin user name and password set during installation and configuration of the Central Node component.

    The program administrator menu is displayed.

  3. In the program administrator menu, select Program Settings.
  4. Press ENTER.

    This opens the action selection window.

  5. Select Configure Sandbox Connection.
  6. Press ENTER.

    This opens the Sandbox Access window.

  7. Select New.
  8. Press ENTER.

    This opens the Sandbox Node window.

  9. In the Sandbox Name field, enter the domain name of the Sandbox server, the request for connection to which you are creating.
  10. In the Sandbox Node field, enter IP address of the Sandbox server, the request for connection to which you are creating.
  11. Click Ok.

    This opens the action selection window.

  12. Select the line containing the Sandbox server IP address.
  13. Press ENTER.

    This opens the Sandbox Key Fingerprint window containing the Sandbox certificate thumbprint and a request to confirm the certificate thumbprint authenticity.

  14. Make sure that this certificate thumbprint matches that in the web interface of the Sandbox server, the request for connection to which you are creating.
  15. After making sure that the certificate thumbprints are identical, click Yes.

    This opens a window prompting you to confirm sending the request for connection to the Sandbox component.

  16. Click Yes.

    You will return to the action selection window with the Sandbox server IP address.

If the request for connection to the Sandbox component is sent successfully, the value Yes will be displayed opposite the Enabled parameter name.

See also

Configuring connection between the Sandbox and Central Node components

Processing connection requests from the Central Node servers in the Sandbox web interface

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