Recommendations for processing IOC alerts

In the right part of the window, the Recommendations section displays recommendations that you can follow, as well as the number of alerts that have attributes in common with the alert you are working on.

You can follow the following recommendations:

To create a host isolation rule, enter the following settings:

  1. In the Disable isolation after field, enter the time in hours (1 to 9999) during which network isolation of the host will be active.
  2. In the Exclusions for the host isolation rule settings group, in the Traffic direction list, select the direction of network traffic that must not be blocked:
    • Incoming/Outgoing.
    • Incoming.
    • Outgoing.
  3. In the IP field, enter the IP address whose network traffic must not be blocked.

    You can use a proxy server to let Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Windows connect to Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform. When you add this proxy server to exclusions, network resources that can be accessed through the proxy server are also added to exclusions. If network resources that are accessed through the proxy server are added to exclusions, but the proxy server itself is not, such exclusions do not work.

  4. If you selected Incoming or Outgoing, in the Ports field enter the connection ports.
  5. If you want to add more than one exclusion, click Add and repeat the steps to fill in the Traffic direction, IP and Ports fields.
  6. Click Save.

See also

Recommendations for processing alerts

Recommendations for processing AM alerts

Recommendations for processing TAA alerts

Recommendations for processing SB alerts

Recommendations for processing YARA alerts

Recommendations for processing IDS alerts

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