To manage the application activation through the command line interface:
command, navigate to the folder where the Agent.exe file is located.For example, you can type the following command cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Endpoint Agent\"
and press ENTER.
agent.exe --license=add <activation code or path to the key file>
To activate the application using the activation code, the protected device must be connected to the Internet.
agent.exe --license=reserve <activation code or path to the key file>
agent.exe --license=delete <key serial number>
agent.exe --license=show
Return codes of the --license
– the added key has expired.2
– undefined application error.-302
– the added key is in the deny list.-301
– the added key is not suitable for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation.-303
– key file is damaged.4
– syntax errors.-304
– invalid path to the key file is specified.