Configuring the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent host table display

You can show or hide columns and change the order of columns in the table of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent hosts.

To configure Kaspersky Endpoint Agent host table display:

  1. Select the Alerts section in the window of the program web interface.

    This opens the table of alerts.

  2. In the heading part of the table, click APT_icon_customize_table.
  3. This opens the Customize table window.
  4. If you want to show a column in the table, select the check box next to the name of the parameter that you want displayed in the table.

    If you want to hide a parameter in the table, clear the check box.

    At least one check box must be selected.

  5. If you want to change the order of columns in the table, move the mouse cursor to the row with the relevant parameter, click APT_icon_customize_columnes_order and move the row to its new place.
  6. If you want to restore default table display settings, click Default.

Click Apply. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent host table display is displayed.

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