Interaction with external systems via API

You can set up the integration of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform with external systems to manage Threat Response actions, to scan files that are stored in those systems, and to provide access to information about all alerts to the external systems.

External systems interact with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform via an API. API method calls are available only to authorized external systems. For authorization, the program administrator must create a request to integrate the external system with the program. Then the administrator must process the request in the web interface of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform.

If you have deployed the Central Node and Sensor components as a cluster, you can configure fault-tolerant integration with an external system using one of the following options:

To configure the fault-tolerant integration with the external system:

  1. Configure Round Robin on the DNS server for the domain name corresponding to the Central Node cluster.
  2. Specify this domain name in the mail server settings.

Integration with the mail server will be configured based on the domain name. The mail server will communicate with a random server in the cluster. If this server fails, the mail server will communicate with another healthy server in the cluster.

In this Help section

Integrating an external system with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform

API for scanning objects of external systems

API for sending alert information to external systems

API for managing Threat Response actions

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