Operation mode in which Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is used to protect the infrastructure of multiple organizations or branch offices of the same organization simultaneously.
Two-level hierarchy of servers with Central Node components installed. This hierarchy allocates a primary control server (Primary Central Node (PCN)) and secondary servers (Secondary Central Nodes (SCN)).
Endpoint Agents. Contains information about connected computers with Kaspersky Endpoint Agent program and their settings.
Reports: Activity log. Contains information about the logging settings for user activity in the program web interface.
Settings Contains the settings of the server with the Central Node component.
Sensor servers. Contains information about connected Sensor components and their settings.
Sandbox servers. Contains information about the connection of the Central Node component to Sandbox components.
External systems. Contains information about program integration with mail sensors.
Workspace of the program web interface window
The workspace displays the information you choose to view in the sections and on the tabs of the program web interface window. It also contains control elements that you can use to configure how the information is displayed.
Users with the Security auditor role can also view these sections of the program web interface.