You can choose to prepare the TLS certificate on your own and upload it using the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform web interface.
The TLS certificate file prepared for upload must satisfy the following requirements:
The application does not support other formats of certificates.
If you have prepared a certificate in a different format, you must convert it to the PEM format.
For more details on preparing TLS certificates for import, please refer to the documentation on Open SSL.
If you are already using a Central Node server TLS certificate, uploading a new certificate causes the currently used certificate to be removed and replaced with the uploaded certificate.
You must enter the data of the new certificate everywhere the old certificate was used.
If you replace the TLS certificate, you will need to:
Delete all Endpoint Agent host isolation rules. The connection with isolated hosts is severed and you cannot manage them.
To upload an independently prepared TLS certificate using the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform web interface:
This opens the file selection window.
This closes the file selection window.
Please delete all Endpoint Agent host isolation rules. Connection with the isolated hosts and control over them will be lost.