Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform

Filtering and searching YARA rules

To filter or search for YARA rules by required criteria:

  1. In the window of the program web interface, select the Custom rules section, YARA subsection.

    This opens the YARA rule table.

  2. Depending on the filtering criterion, do the following:
    • By creation time
    • By rule name
    • By file name
    • By the name of the user who uploaded the rules file
    • By rule state

The table displays only rules that match the specified criteria.

You can use multiple filters at the same time.

See also

Viewing the YARA rule table

Importing YARA rules

Configuring YARA rule table display

Viewing YARA rule details

Clearing a YARA rule filter

Enabling and disabling YARA rules

Deleting YARA rules