Configuring Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform based on the Astra Linux operating system

To achieve the calculated performance characteristics of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform based on the Astra Linux operating system, you must configure the application.

To configure Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform based on the Astra Linux operating system:

  1. Enter Technical Support Mode.
  2. Run the following commands:

    sudo -s

    astra-modeswitch set 0

    mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/parsec.ko ./parsec.ko.backup

    update-initramfs -u -k all

    cp /lib/systemd/system/docker.service /lib/systemd/system/docker.service.backup

  3. Edit the docker.service file in the /lib/systemd/system/ directory as follows:
    1. Change the value of the following string: docker.socket firewalld.service \


      to docker.socket firewalld.service

    2. Change the value of the Requires=docker.socket docker-parsec-init.service string to Requires=docker.socket
  4. Restart the server and enter Technical Support Mode again.
  5. Run the following command:

    lsmod | grep parsec

    An empty string is displayed on the console.

The Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform application based on the Astra Linux operating system is configured.

The security functions of the Parsec module are not required or used by the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform application.

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