Preparing an installation disk image with the Central Node, Sensor, and Sandbox components

Before installing the application, you must prepare an iso image of the installation disk with the Central Node, Sensor, and Sandbox components based on the Astra Linux operating system.

Minimum hardware requirements for a device that can be used to create the iso image:

Software requirements:

To mount an iso image of the Central Node and Sensor or Sandbox components based on the Astra Linux operating system:

  1. From the distribution kit, download the Central Node and Sensor component distribution kit (kata-cn-distribution-6.1.0-324-x86_64_en-ru-zh.tar.gz), the Sandbox component distribution kit (kata-sb-distribution-6.1.0-768-x86_64_en-ru.tar.gz) and the file named iso-builder-6.1.0-324-x86_64_en-ru.tar.
  2. Create an file with the following content.
  3. Run the mkdir /var/kata_builder command.
  4. Put the files listed in step 1 in the newly created /var/kata_builder directory. Make sure that the Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7.5 iso image is named installation- If the name of the iso image is different, please rename it.
  5. Run the following command:
    • If you are preparing a disk image with the Central Node and Sensor components: sudo ./ /var/kata_builder/installation- /var/kata_builder/kata-cn-distribution-6.1.0-324-x86_64_en-ru-zh.tar.gz /var/kata_builder/iso-builder-6.1.0-324-x86_64_en-ru.tar /var/kata_builder buildCNSensorAstra.iso
    • If you are preparing a disk image with the Sandbox component: sudo ./ /var/kata_builder/installation- /var/kata_builder/kata-sb-distribution-6.1.0-768-x86_64_en-ru.tar.gz /var/kata_builder/iso-builder-6.1.0-324-x86_64_en-ru.tar /var/kata_builder buildSandboxAstra.iso

After running the commands, the installation disk images with the Central Node and Sensor components named buildCNSensorAstra.iso and buildSandboxAstra.iso are located in the /var/kata_builder directory.

If you use other directories for storing files, you can run the command as follows: sudo ./ <source_iso_host_path> <distribution_host_path> <iso_builder_image_host_path> <build_host_path> <target_iso_name>, where:

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