This section provides information related to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Windows. This information may be partially or completely inapplicable to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux. For complete information about Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux, please refer to the Help of the solution that includes the application: Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform or Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.
To configure Kaspersky Sandbox's response timeout and the settings of the queue for processing the objects that Kaspersky Endpoint Agent sends to Kaspersky Sandbox:
In the main Kaspersky Security Center Web Console window select Devices → Policies and profiles.
Select the policy you want to configure.
In the <Policy name> window that opens, select the Application settings tab.
In the Kaspersky Sandbox integration section, select the Kaspersky Sandbox advanced settings subsection.
In the Timeout group of settings, specify the maximum Kaspersky Sandbox response timeout.
The default value is 5 seconds.
In the upper right corner of the settings group, change the switch from Policy not enforced to Under policy.
In the Kaspersky Sandbox requests queue group of settings, in the Queue folder field, specify the path to the folder where information about the requests sent to Kaspersky Sandbox will be stored.
The default folder is %SOYUZAPPDATA%\Sandbox\Queue.
In the Maximum queue size (MB) field, specify the maximum allowed size of the request queue in megabytes.
The default value is 100 MB.
If you configure the settings in the policy properties window, in the upper right corner of the group of settings, change the switch from Undefined to Enforce.