Protecting application services with PPL technology

The protection of application services using the Protected Process Light (PPL) technology is implemented in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

The protection of application services using the Protected Process Light (PPL) technology is only available on the following operating systems:

Processes that are running with the PPL flag cannot be stopped or changed by other processes without the PPL flag.

Usage of the PPL flag for the application services allows you to protect the services from malicious external influences and attempts to compromise the application.

To configure protection of application services by the PPL technology using the command line interface:

  1. On the device, run a command line interpreter (for example, Command Prompt cmd.exe) with the permissions of the local administrator.
  2. Using the cd command, navigate to the folder where the Agent.exe file is located.

    For example, enter the command cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Endpoint Agent\" and press ENTER.

  3. Enter one of the following commands and press ENTER:
    • agent.exe --ppl=show [--pwd=<current user password>] shows the current status of application services protection by the PPL technology.
    • agent.exe --ppl=disable [--pwd=<current user password>] disables application services protection by the PPL technology.

Return codes of the --ppl command:

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