Installing, restoring and uninstalling the application using the command line

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent can be installed and uninstalled using the msi package by setting the values of MSI properties in a standard way. For more information on using standard Windows Installer commands and keys, refer to the documentation provided by Microsoft.

Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

An example of installing the application in quiet mode with default settings is shown below. After starting the application installation in quiet mode, your participation in the installation process is not required.

Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent in quiet mode requires acceptance of the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Use the EULA=1 and PRIVACYPOLICY=1 parameters only if you have fully read, understood, and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy.


msiexec /i endpointagent.msi EULA=1 PRIVACYPOLICY=1 USE_AZURE_SUPPORT=1 ENABLE_L2_SNIFFER=1 /qn

Command parameters for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent




Required parameter. This parameter indicates whether the user consents to or declines the terms of the End User License Agreement.


  • 0 – decline;
  • 1 – consent.

If the value 0 is passed, the application is not installed.


Required parameter. This parameter indicates whether the user consents or declines the terms of the Privacy Policy.


  • 0 – decline;
  • 1 – consent.

If the value 0 is passed, the application is not installed.


This parameter sets the flag for using the hardware identifier in the form of the value of the EnableAzureSupport HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\SOYUZ\4.0\Environment parameter for operating systems on an x86 platform or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\SOYUZ\4.0\Environment parameter for operating systems on an x64 platform.


  • 0 – When sending events to the telemetry collection server, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent passes the host's OS identifier from the registry as the sensor_id value in requests to the server. Default value.
  • 1 – When sending events to the telemetry collection server, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent passes the host's BIOS identifier as the sensor_id value in requests to the server.


This parameter indicates the installation of the L2 sniffer driver, which is used by Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to send extended L2 telemetry to Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks.


  • 0 - the L2 sniffer driver is not installed during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. Default value.
  • 1 - the L2 sniffer driver is installed during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

If you install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent over a previous version of the application and L2 sniffer driver was installed before, regardless of the value setting, the L2 sniffer driver will be stopped, updated, and restarted.

Repairing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

An example of restoring the application in quiet mode is shown below. After starting application restoration in quiet mode, your participation in the restoration process is not required.


msiexec /i endpointagent.msi REINSTALL=ALL /qn

Uninstalling Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

An example of uninstalling the application in quiet mode is shown below. After starting application uninstallation in quiet mode, your participation in the uninstallation process is not required.


msiexec /i {99237667-507D-4F5E-9D2D-2BE6F69EE32F} REMOVE=ALL /qn

If the application is password protected:

msiexec /i {99237667-507D-4F5E-9D2D-2BE6F69EE32F} REMOVE=ALL UNLOCK_PASSWORD=<password> /qn

All data that is stored locally on the device, except for trace and dump files, is deleted from the device when the application is uninstalled.

If the L2 sniffer driver was installed during installation, repair, or update of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, it is also deleted after uninstallation of the application.

See also

Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent using the Installation Wizard

Removing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent using the Installation and Uninstallation Wizard

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