About moving file to Quarantine

One of the possible response actions when a threat is detected is to quarantine the file.

Quarantine is a special local repository on a device with EPP application that supports Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum functionality which is intended for storing files that are probably infected by viruses or cannot be disinfected at the time when they are detected. Quarantined files are stored on the protected device in an encrypted form and therefore do not compromise the device security.

You can quarantine a file manually or configure automatic quarantining of a file as a result of alert response actions.

For details on Quarantine, refer to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Help and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent Help. You also can quarantine file from the alert details window.

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.10.0 or later is installed on the organization computers, this response action is not available for System Critical Objects (also referred to as SCO). SCOs include files required for the functioning of operating system and Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

See also

Moving a file to Quarantine from alert details

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