Viewing alert details

Alert details are available in the list of alerts. The list of alerts is available in the Report on threats or in the Alerts subsection of the Monitoring & Reporting section in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

If you add a license key for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum, the Alerts subsection will automatically appear in the main menu in the Monitoring & Reporting section. You can also configure the display of the Alerts subsection in the properties of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console interface.

To view the alert details in the Monitoring and reporting section:

  1. In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console go to the Monitoring & ReportingAlerts section.
  2. Select the alert and click the Details link.

    The alert details are displayed.

To view the alert details in the report on threats:

  1. In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console go to the Monitoring & ReportingReports section.
  2. Select the Report on threats template and click the Show report button.
  3. In the report window on the Details tab, select the alert and click the Open alert details link.

    The alert details are displayed.

To display the alert details, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum needs to get data from the device on which the alert occurred. If the data or the device is not available, an error message is displayed. The device response time may take several minutes.

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