Description of the general application settings

This section describes the values of the general settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security configuration file (see the table below).

General application settings





Directory that stores the Samba configuration file. The Samba configuration file is required to ensure that the AllShared or Shared:SMB values can be used for the Path option.

The standard directory of the SAMBA configuration file on the computer is specified by default.

Default value: /etc/samba/smb.conf.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


The directory where the NFS configuration file is stored. The NFS configuration file is required to ensure that the AllShared or Shared:NFS values can be used for the Path option.

The standard directory of the NFS configuration file on the computer is specified by default.

Default value: /etc/exports.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Enables creation of a dump file when application failure occurs.

Yes (default value) – Create a dump file when application failure occurs.

No – Do not create a dump file when application failure occurs.


Enables generation of trace files at application startup.

Yes – Enable generation of trace files at application startup.

No (default value) – Disable generation of trace files at application startup.


Enables trace file generation and specifies the level of detail of the trace file.

Detailed – Generate a detailed trace file.

NotDetailed – Generate a trace file that contains error messages.

None (default value) — Do not generate a trace file.


The directory that stores the application's trace files. Trace files contain information about the operating system, and may also contain personal data.


Default value: /var/log/kaspersky/kesl.

If you specify a different directory, make sure that the account under which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running has read/write permissions for this directory. Root privileges are required to access the default trace files directory.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Specifies the maximum number of application trace files.



The default value is 5.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Specifies the maximum size of an application trace file (in megabytes).


The default value is 500.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Blocks access to files for which the full path length exceeds the defined settings value specified in bytes. If the length of the full path to the scanned file exceeds the value of this setting, virus scan tasks skip this file during scanning.

This setting is not available for operating systems that use the fanotify technology.


The default value is 16384.


Enable detection of legitimate software that could be used by intruders to harm computers or user data.

Yes— Enable detection of legitimate software that could be used by intruders to harm computers or user data.

No (default value)— Disable detection of legitimate software that could be used by intruders to harm computers or user data.


Enable scanning of namespaces and containers.

Yes (default value) — Enable scanning of namespaces and containers.

No — Disable scanning of namespaces and containers.


Mode for intercepting files when the File Threat Protection task is running.

This setting also affects the operation of the Anti-Cryptor, Device Control and Removable Drive Scan.

Full (default value) – block the files while they are being scanned by the task that uses the file interceptor.

Info — do not block the files while they are being scanned by the task that uses the file interceptor.

If the Info value is selected, your computer protection level is reduced.


Enables participation in Kaspersky Security Network.

Basic — Enable participation in Kaspersky Security Network without sending statistics.

Extended — Enable participation in Kaspersky Security Network and send statistics.

No (default value) — Disable participation in Kaspersky Security Network.


Enables Managed Detection and Response.

Yes – enable Managed Detection and Response.

No (default value) – disable Managed Detection and Response.


Enable the use of proxy servers for Kaspersky Security Network, activation of the application, and updates.

Yes - enable the use of a proxy server.

No (default) - Disable the use of a proxy server.


Proxy server settings in the format [user[:password]@]host[:port].


The maximum number of events stored by the application. When the specified number of events is exceeded, the application deletes the oldest events.

The default value is 500000.

If 0 is specified, events are not saved.


The maximum number of Scan_File tasks that a non-privileged user can simultaneously start on a computer. This setting does not limit the number of tasks that a user with root privileges can start.


The default value is 0.

If 0 is specified, a non-privileged user cannot start Scan_File tasks.

If you installed the graphical user interface package when installing the application, the default value of the LimitNumberOfScanFileTasks parameter is set to 5.


Enable logging of information about events to syslog

Root privileges are required to access syslog.

Yes — Enable logging of information about events to syslog.

No (default value) — Disable logging of information about events to syslog.


The database directory where the application saves information about events.

Root privileges are required to access the default event database.

Default value: /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/private/storage/events.db.


The mount point to be excluded from the scan scope for the tasks that use a file operation interceptor (File Threat Protection and Anti-Cryptor). You can specify several mount points to be excluded from scans.

Mount points must be specified in the same way as they are displayed in the mount command output.

The ExcludedMountPoint.item_# setting is left unspecified by default.

AllRemoteMounted — Exclude all remote directories mounted on the computer using SMB and NFS protocols from file operation interception.

Mounted:NFS — Exclude all remote directories mounted on the computer using the NFS protocol from file operation interception.

Mounted:SMB — Exclude all remote directories mounted on the computer using the SMB protocol from file operation interception.

Mounted:<file system type> — Exclude all mounted directories with the specified file system type from file operation interception.

/mnt — Exclude objects in the /mnt mount point (including subdirectories) from file operation interception. This directory is used as the temporary mount point for removable drives.

<path that contains the /mnt/user* or /mnt/**/user_share> — Exclude objects in mount points whose names contain the specified mask from file operation interception.

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