Rules for editing application task configuration files
When editing a configuration file, adhere to the following rules:
Specify all mandatory settings in the configuration file. You can specify individual task settings without a file using the command line.
If a setting belongs to a certain section, specify it only in this section. You can specify the settings in any order within the one section.
Enclose the names of sections in square brackets [ ].
Enter the values of settings in the format <setting name>=<setting value> (spaces between the a setting name and its value are not processed).
Space and tab characters are ignored before the first quotation mark and after the last quotation mark of a string value, and at the beginning and end of a string value that is not enclosed in quotation marks.
If you need to specify several values for a setting, repeat the setting the same number of times as the number of values that you want to specify.
Be case-sensitive when entering values for the following types of settings:
Names (masks) of scanned objects and excluded objects.
Names (masks) of threats.
The remaining setting values are not case-sensitive.
Specify Boolean setting values as follows: Yes / No.
Use quotation marks to enclose string values containing a space character (for example, names of files and directories and their paths, expressions containing the date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS").
You can enter the remaining values with or without quotation marks.
AreaDesc="Scanning of email databases"
A single quotation mark in the beginning or end of a string is considered an error.