Network Threat Protection task settings

This section describes settings of the Network Threat Protection task.

All available values and default values for each setting are described below.


Enables or disables blocking network activity from attacking computers.

Available values:

Yes—Block network activity from attacking computers.

No—Do not block network activity from attacking computers.

Default value: Yes


Specifies how long attacking computers will be blocked (in minutes).

Available values:


Default value: 60


Enables or disables the usage of a list of IP addresses whose network activity will not be blocked when a network attack is detected. The application will only log information about dangerous activity from these computers.

You can add IP addresses to the exclusion list by using the ExcludeIPs.item_# parameter. By default, the list is empty.

Available values:

Yes—Use an IP address exclusion list.

No—Do not use an IP address exclusion list.

Default value: No


Specifies an IP address whose network activity will not be blocked by the application.

Available values:

d.d.d.d—IPv4 address, where d is a decimal number 0–255

d.d.d.d/p—Subnet of IPv4 addresses, where p is a number 0–32

x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x—IPv6 address, where x is a hexadecimal number 0–ffff

x:x:x:x::0/p—Subnet of IPv6 addresses, where p is a number 0–64

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